Working out, hanging out at the local bars, expanding my mind, eating Tuna Sandwhiches...or so I'm told and poker.
The guy who put Michael in his position as manager, to ask 'What the hell were you thinking?'...I ask this b/c Michael has kept Dwight around for this long.The amazing man who invented Ritz crackers.
I like a lot of music really....Linkin Park or Bad Religion would probably be my favorite. I'm a fan of Snoop Dog and Tupac, The Misfits, OAR, the Kiser Chiefs and even some classical.
Scarface, Goodfellas, Terminator, Gladiator, just about any movie with Dolf Lundgren in it, Big Trouble in Little China, and Saving Private Ryan for action movies.Office Space , Billy Madison, Little Nicky, Old School, Slap Shot, Death to Smoochy, Spaceballs and all the movies with a man named Steve Carell in them for Comedy.Miracle, Philadelphia, A Few Good Men, Platoon and the Machinist for Drama movies.Toss Star Wars and Lord of the Rings for fantasy/Science Fiction movies.Oh and 'homemade' movies are great, especially when I watch ones I did with my friends back in high school with terriable plots, but you have to cut your teeth some where right?
Simpsons and Family Guy are MUSTS...yes shows on other networks rule ha ha. True Life on MTV is really good sometimes. I'm a 24 fan because Keifer Sutherland is an insperatcion for me. I was a huge Doogie Howser fan so now I do like How I Met Your Mother. I love the History and Discovery Channels because learning new stuff is pretty fun when it's not in school. Then there is this show that's on Thuresday nights at 8:30pm....I can't place the name of it but it has this crazy interview style thing. There are other people on there who are tremendous talents and I wouldn't be suprised if they all go on to other shows kinda like Cheers.
I do read but I can't think of anything at this moment, ha ha!
Like I said before Keifer Sutherland, Richard Gere, Ed Norton, a man named Ricky Gervais and obviously my Mom and Dad for being the BEST people I know, tremendous inspirations and very suportive over the years. They work to make lives better for those in need every day and to me those are your REAL heroes.Sports wise I'm a big Mario Lemieux fan cause I love hockey, and Drew Bledsoe for my Patriots, hey closest team too me as a kid how was I to know they'd become awsome soon there after?