About Me
About me? Uhhh....~People call me Take take-chan or cookie monster.. I'm not sure why?°-°' You should capitalize the "T" in "Take tahe-chan" onetime, because I'm worthy of a capitalized 'T'. @_@; Mm k?!! D:' O_o; ..I thought so.I have a biological parentes... and littel sis.
I am 227 Mars years old, I measure my age in Mars years because I'm actually not human!
Wheee!~~ Wheee GO ME. That's actually quite the hard thing to do.. Staying alive for that long, what with all the ways one could die nowadays. @_@; I get a tummy ache just thinking about it. +_+;;~It's my mission to make people confused and go "huh...?" or "whaaa.... ?"
~The skin on my arms feels weird, because I don't eat fast food! Yes, yes, I'm super vegan! ^_^ That's because I hate it when people eat anything that ever was, is, or came from anything that ever was or is living!!! IT'S JUST WRONG! If you're wondering how I stay alive.. I listen to J-rock music. Yes, yes I do. That's because J-rock is meat, but it's not real, so it's good meat. Real meat is evil! Oh, and a dietary supplements, that helps too!! Though, the government puts unsafe chemicals in them. That's why I get sick all the time. my government wants all of us to stay sick, FOREVER!! They have a deal with the doctors of here. If the people are sick from the fast food they eat, they see the doctors, the doctors get money, and split it with the government for letting everyone put such unsafe, addictive, destructive properties in the fast food. (AND NOW THAT YOU'VE READ THAT.. YOU KNOW; THUS, YOU SHOULD FEAR SLEEPING TONIGHT. They don't want you to know..) So, I suggest you NEVER eat anything food from fast foods, ever. Or sleep. They know what you dream.. o_O; I know this, yes, yes I do. And, if you haven't realised this by now YOU'RE STUPID. It's all more money for the republicans in the long run. Money is worth more than any amount of human life, ever!_ Uh, I'm somewhat paranoid. But I'm only paranoid because the whole world is out to get me. O_O;;!!I can speak many languages, most you haven't heard from, because they are not earth languages. hehe, yay! The earth ones I speak best would be Japanese,Korean and English! ..I suppose. Then it's German! Ja! ^-^; I like it when things go "fizzzzzzzz, yåååååå, eeeeyyyyy, muuuuuu, määäää, and wheeeee". mm k? Though I don't like it when things go BOOM. That happens to me sometimes... :( *Makes you go yåååååå-määäää" hehe! Wheeee, that's some fun stuffs!^^ I was once Picasso reincarnated as a ccccaaaattt, that was cool! I have the ability to set things an fire, give you a headache, and draw stuffs! Yay! We're doomed! Hmm.. I've been known to stretch the truth.. but just a little bit. I hate baka or hentai.. like Mr. bear. ..FUCK YOU MR. BEAR, YOU SPEAK stupid things... ???????? , ?????????????????????????..and that's all you need to know about me! You hideous Internet stalker. I hope reading this has effected your emotions in some weird way. Or at least made you hate me even more! ^_^
_ and if you're wondering how I got profile of animexx, then you don't need to know it... an Alien friend from Venus itroduced it to me. you have to don't like my profile or don't know my profile. ^-^ hehe
(x_x;)..zzZ FEEL SPECIAL--I probably hate LOVE you!^^ PLUR! Ja