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DooWeY B.

Damn Right, It's Better Than Yours...

About Me

Im addicted to the Food Network... Jogging... ah im too lazy to type so ask me..... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Family / Soozee / Being Me / Sewing & Designing Clothes & Accessories / Hair / Jogging

I'd like to meet:

People who dont like me so i can fart in the car with em, lock up the windows, and turn the heater on full blast, take a dump in there toilet and not flush, blow snot in there food, rewrite the expiration date on the milk carton so they are drinking overdued cheese, barf in there shoes so its makes a squishy noise when they walk, spit in there mouth, and oh yeh, then i'll run away... =P


The Legendary RooTz Crew - Mos deF - Common - Talib Kweli - Les Nubianz - GoApeLe - NepTunez - Esthero - Soulstice - Digable Planets - Del the Funky HomoSapien - Shy Fx - Kosheen - Hybrid - Bassment Jaxx - Justin Timberlake - Marques Houston - Omarion - Interpol - Killers - Tegan & Sara - Postal Service - Faints - Bravery - Maroon 5 - A Romance Junkie - The Cure - Evanescence / Hip Hop / DownTempo / TripHop / Jazz / and then some...


Dead Poet Society / Great Expectations / Nightmare Before Christmas / Toy Soldierz / American Pie... Shannon Elizabeth (GrRrr) / 40 Dayz N 40 Nightz... Shannyn Sossamon... That girl is soo... Excuse me real quick... Gotta go look at her picture in the Restroom...


Project Runway, Style TV, Entourage, Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy, History Channel, Discovery Channel and everything else educational cuz knowledge is Key...


"How to get Girlz While Being Ugly" for Dummiez.


MoM n PoPz / Brother / Sisters / Good Friendz / And the Great One Above...

My Blog

One Lovely Night In Jail...

So, another night at landlord jims. Alan said it best, this is a def. myspace blog... i peed on the building of a police station and little did i know... handcuffs... so the night was pretty chill bes...
Posted by DooWeY B. on Sat, 15 Oct 2005 12:31:00 PST