Art, movies, music, dragons, weapons, roses, myspace, rain, photography...blahdy blah blah
Anyone who's interested in meeting me. As long as you're not an asshole then I don't care, come up and say hi. I don't bite...well...not too hard at least ~.^
Liz, my best friend
Trevor my best guy friend
Me with my best friends Liz and Maria
Me with my little sisters Catherine and Hannah
Brittany a.k.a BEEJ my O.C watchin buddy and one of my really good friends
My little sis Hannah
Kitty Blue Eyes Catherine, basically my other little sis
Logan my older brother ~.^
Nathan, he's technically my cousin and I see him as such ^.^
Rhiannon is one of the funniest, most creative, and unique person I know
I love all kinds of music. I'm pretty much open to all generas. I don't limit myself to liking one particular style. If I like it I like it...end of story.
I love the movie Waiting and Superbad. My all time favorite genera is comedy. Other than that my other favorite would be anything dealing with fantasy. I really like all types of's the same with my music, if I like it I like it...if I don't I don't.
I don't really watch a lot of t.v anymore but when I do Comedy Central is probably what I'm watching, or Adult Swim...gotta love Adult Swim ~.^
The Twilight series by Stephanie Myer is my new favorite series of books. They are so fantastic. Also the Dollengranger series by V.C Andrews. I love Harry Potter. Call me a geek I don't give a shit. Anne McCaffrey is probaby my favorite author though. I love her Dragonriders of Pern series and I've liked everything else I've read by her. She's amazing and has an awesome imagination.
My parents and the rest of my family. Without them I'm nothing
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