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"All of the rich and worthwhile times in life are rarely spent alone. " - W. Wade

About Me

Well, First off, if you want to know what I have been up to go to www.jrahouseofdesign.com and that pretty much will tell all...So, where do I start and how honest do I feel like being? I guess I could say that I am a wedding dress designer that isnt gay, I am a proud father of 3 of the most beautiful children alive, I have a marriage that is more than anything I could have imagined for myself, I have my own business and I have a really cool cat. In all this, make no mistake, I have not "aquired" any of these things. They were given. They were generous gifts....I am not sure that I ever jot down thoughts of what I think of myself so this is taking a little thought. If I were going to be gut level honest this is what I would say: I fight daily the the temptation to be consumed with worry for my children and wifes' safety. I dread my sons teenage years; for I wonder how i will keep his heart close to mine through those years. I have not accepted the fact that I am older. The fact that kids today know nothing of Purple Rain actually offends me...I appreciate wisdom in all its manifestations. It does not matter to me where truth comes from. It doesn't matter to me if it comes from a hypocrite or honorable person, a fairy-tale or point in history. I believe truth will always be true to me . Now if only it were that simple to live by it.....I long for a cohort in my industry. People who do what I do for a living are far and few between. I face the fact that I am relatively alone in my area of expertise and have very few people who I may bounce ideas or philosophies off of, particularly in the deeper aspects of design. Most people do not really understand my craft beyond "ooo! that dress is really pretty" or "that design is cool". The compliments are welcome, needed and appreciated, but are rarely stimulating as an artist....I am an unapologetic 80's music fan, punk....I believe in God. There is too much evidence out there to believe otherwise. But beyond all that, God is the only one I have ever met and read about who actually knew how to manage true Love, sustain it, make it grow, and last forever - for real. Now, that is someone I could follow and learn from...Working with women and fashion for roughly 18 years has taught me a great amount about them. I would say that, by now, I have developed a talent for understanding women. I think I have discovered the secret to understanding them. (if there is such a thing). Oddly, it is no different than the secret to understanding men, your pet, or whatever. Wanna know what it is? It's simple, just love them. I realize not everyone will understand what I mean by that. I won't explain it here. But feel free to ask if you really wanna know. I'll tell ya....I love my brother, Vincent, to tears...I dont like to loose touch with any of my old friends. I try to keep them close, but its funny how I am so terrible at remembering their birthdays.....There is an African proverb that i love. it goes something like this:It is not what you call me, but what I answer to, that matters most.... What draws my hearts attention more than anything, another heart. when someone puts their heart into something, when they have invested their effort, creativity and passion into something, it is hard for me not to notice. It always shows....I love castles, ancient architecture, human anatomy, rainy days, nighttime, Prince, dry salami, and Lord of the Rings and I have an insatiable desire for Popsicles...

My Interests

in sum, I am interested in asthetics, methods of communication and art

I'd like to meet:

Mariano Fortuny -I would ask him how he made his fabrics do all that crazy stuff....Will Smith - He seems to have a personality very much like my own. we'd have a lot of laughs, im sure....Jesus christ - on second thought, im kinda scared of that!...I wanna meet the people my name comes from. My early American ancestors....on second thought, im scared of that too! LOL...Malcom X - No American public figure ever did what he did. He publicly repented once he realized he was wrong. He was a man of truth, I appreciate a man of that level of integrity.


It is too overwhelming a task to speak on this. There is too much....ill just list some Genres: Funk, 80's, Hip-Hop, Trip-hop, jazz, Soul, Traditional Chinese, classical, video game soundtracks,


History of the world pt1, LOTR, Hero, Secret of NIMH, Watership Down, The Last Unicorn, Halloween, Weird Science, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Risky Business, there are more but I can think right now....


Good times, Sanford and Son, The Jeffersons, 1st season of SNL, X-Files, classic Popeye and Bugs bunny cartoons


I dont really read.....at least, not for pleasure anyways. I read many manuals, histoical & refference books. Whatever I tend to read has more to do with visual, asthetic or practical application. I am a dreadfully slow reader because I must visualize everything I take in. So, to understand the nuances of the written word takes a heck of a long time. In fact, its a painful experience because literature can be so rich. I get overwhelmed by it, so I do it seldom....I have been reading the Lord of the Rings now for the last 4 years. I am almost done, lol


lemme think about this one. I have examples i try to follow, but the notion of "Hero" I dont think about very often.... If I had to choose I would say Malcom X. I try to model my life of of his example. He gave all he had to do the right thing. And when he realized that he was wrong, he was humble enough to change it....

My Blog

Gen. Colin Powell nailed it to the wall.

I have not seen a more solid reasoning and clear thought perspective on the nation and its needs right now. he nailed it. The stinging and honest assessments of Gen. Colin Powell this weekend were an ...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 11:07:00 PST

Im Stressed

I have always been very expressive with my life in good times and challenges.  I usually only post the aftermath - the part where the wisdom comes in and it is always positive.  But life is ...
Posted by Justin on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:36:00 PST

what we saw yesterday...

Here is a quote from an article from Chuck Todd of MSNBC regarding the failure of the 700billion dollar bailout bill.  Makes sense to me...    "Who Shouldn't Be Blamed: Just when you ...
Posted by Justin on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:15:00 PST

Obamas weaknesses

First I want to express that there are personal and character issues that both candidates have that can be strengths or weaknesses depending on who is looking at it and what ends they are trying to ac...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:47:00 PST

Being an Obama voter, I must say i liked this article....

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26933982/   some highlights... "The era of cowboy capitalism has died, largely of self-inflicted wounds." "Even if Sen. Barack Obama loses the presidential election  ...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 08:56:00 PST

A funny rhetoric, but kinda true....in a way

"Conservatives who do not believe in govornment probobly should not be trusted to run the country"... and "Progressives who don't believe in free market should probobly not be given a job, a loan or ...
Posted by Justin on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:51:00 PST

Republican National Convention

All I can say is that, so far as i can see, I would never fit in there.  These people just don't represent me nor care about people like me.  They don't share my values.  It i...
Posted by Justin on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 09:35:00 PST

Piece of advice for life...

If someone is beautiful in your opinion, tell them. -J
Posted by Justin on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 10:10:00 PST

Clinton Endorses Obama today...

...As a clothing designer's perspective would notice... She wore black on the day she announced the end of her campaign and endorsement of him.  This is something in the 18 month race she has nev...
Posted by Justin on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 10:57:00 PST

McCain Vs Obama - The Weaknesses

Okay, this blog is largely created to have a forum with my friend, Spring.  First,  I want to discuss what their biggest challenges and weaknesses are going into the election. We'll begin wi...
Posted by Justin on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:21:00 PST