Cars, Jeeps, 4x4, racing anything, Extreme stuff, Supermodels, Biking, Music, making a lot of money, supermodels, having fun, chillin, laughing, NOT SMOKING ANYTHING(for the most part), gadgets, parties, drinking, supermodels, Paris Hilton. Alcohol: I like it hard. Jager, 99 bananas, vodka, captain morgan, Jack Daniels, you name it, I'll take it down.
Micheal Jackson so I could beat his ass. ((Why does micheal jackson like twenty nine years olds so much? Because there's twenty of them...))
But really, Will Ferrel, Dave Chappelle, Mrs. Pelly my kindergarden teacher, and the girl of my dreams.
Johnny Tight Lips
People Iced: Twenty
Car Bombs Planted: Four
Favorite Weapon Rope
Arms Broken: Twenty Seven
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Seven
Tongues Cut Off: None. Pathetic.
Biggest Enemy: Hairy Fingers Hal
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'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.comThe Drink Wheel
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I am Male Female ( Explanation of gender differences in Blood Alcohol Concentration)
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Hip-Hop, Rap, Rock, anything with bass, but somtimes sublime or Mr. Marley when I'm hanging out with my friend from the army Captn Morgan. (wink Wink)
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts
Mr. Dynomite, Old School, Super Troopers, Farenhieght 9/11, Anything funny or sometimes scary...
Reno 911, South Park, Stand Up comedy, I watch the news a lot though.
Pass by default. (reading is for literate people)
Bob the Builder, Dora the Explorer, Blue