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I am here for Friends

About Me

= Cord Montgomery
Greetings my name is Cord. If you don't know me...consider yourself blessed.
I really don't like a lot of people.
I don't like MAC users because they are really smug about owning one and always find every opportunity to brag about it whenever they can. Instead of referring to their computer as a "computer," they say OH LET ME SEARCH FOR THAT ON MY MAC! We get it you have a mac, the mouse is inferior and the shortcuts are inferior. You don't have a right click we get it, you're so much better. Now go around telling people how much better MACS are because they have a music program that comes with it, and that's pretty much the only reason that makes it better on your logic. While you're doing that I'm going to use my computer NOT MY PC, my computer.
I suppose I'm quite the big nerd.
I work at Blockbuster.
I'm very pessimistic and cynical.
I think I have a chemical imbalance in my brain but I've never bothered seeking any type of cure for it.
I have no friends.
I don't like avid feminists.
I'm a sweety pie and I reply positively to petting and physical affection.
I tend to not make eye contact when I'm talking to people.
You can teach me new things if you reward me with treats.
I think Batman is really cool.
Whenever I'm feeling down I watch Clerks II, makes me treasure the few great friends I still have.
I used to do stand-up comedy...poorly.
I have OCDs about my hair.
I constantly chew gum. I prefer Eclipse to other brands.
I'm a nice guy and a loyal friend. Women seem to take advantage of me due to the nice guy qualities I have.
I lift weights time to time.
I may have a cheery attitude and funny personality but I really have led quite the tragic life.
I don't like to have my picture taken.
I enjoy a wide variety of music.
I enjoy people who make me laugh.
I'm attracted to females and Ryan Reynolds with a beard.
I like to play with my Wii.
I like going to the movies.
I eat whatever I want.
I have a very dry sense of humor and people don't understand when I'm being sarcastic.
I'm certain I could lie my way through a polygraph test and pass it.
I can't sleep with socks on.
I'm generous to my friends.
Anything can entertain me, I'm very easy to please.
I enjoy making fun of people because I'm very good at it.
I am not a serial killer.
And if we are ever in a situation where we could be killed, I will do anything in my power to save my own life.
Basically to sum it up...... I'm the shit.
AIM = Cordmontgomery
Irish/Scottish/German/English/Australian. 100% White. 60% Proud.

My Interests

Hot Fox
Frosty, Heidi, and Frank
Comic Books
Animated Short Films
The Little Things In Life
Roaring Twenties
Captain Kidd's
Gorton Fisherman
Patton Oswalt
The Knight from Last Crusade
Movie Quotes
Kevin Bacon Game
Indiana Jones
Star Wars
Grindhouse Cinema
Wacky Fun
Reeses Binges
Board Games

I'd like to meet:

Cynical people.
Girls who like Star Wars and/or Indiana Jones.
Ladies who hate people just as much as I do.
Funny people who remember stupid little things and lines from movies.
People who buy me Famous Amous cookies when I'm feeling down.
If you're a jocky douchebag or a bitch, I don't want to meet you.
People savvy of the arts.


Acoustic, Folk, Funk, and Soul. Anything composed by Thomas Newman.


3:10 to Yuma. Almost Famous. American Beauty. American Psycho. Babel. Back to the Future. Batman Begins. Battle Royale. The Baxter. Being John Malkovich. Best In Show. Blow. Bowling for Columbine. Breakfast Club. Brick. Brokeback Mountain. Bug. Butterfly Effect. Capturing the Friedmans. Christmas Vacation. City of God. Clerks. Crash. Dawn of the Dead. The Departed. Do the Right Thing. Dumb and Dumber. Eagle Vs. Shark. Ed Wood. Election. Elephant. Empire of the Sun. Equilibrium. Feast. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Flirtng With Disaster. Forrest Gump. 40-Year Old Virgin. Frailty. Galaxy Quest. Garden State. Ghostbusters. Gone Baby Gone. The Graduate. Grindhouse. Groundhog Day. Grizzly Man. Happy Gilmore. Hard Candy. Harold and Maude. Harry Potter. High Fidelity. The Host. Hot Rod. I Am Legend. The Ice Storm. Idiocracy. I Like Killing Flies. In America. Indiana Jones. Into The Wild. JFK. Jurassic Park. KILL BILL. King of Kong. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Knocked Up. Little Children. Little Miss Sunshine. Lord of the Rings. Love Actually. The Machinist. Magnolia. Man on Fire. Man On the Moon. Matrix. Mean Creek. Me And You And Everyone We Know. Memento. Memories of Murder. MIB. Million Dollar Baby. Minority Report. The Mist. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. My Date With Drew. Mystery Men. Nailgun Massacre. Napoleon Dynamite. Office Space. Oldboy. Paris Je T'aime. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Phildaelphia. The Pianist. Pleasantville. The Prestige. Pulp Fiction. Punch-Drunk Love. Rainman. Reservoir Dogs. Road to Perdition. Robo-Vampire. Royal Tenenbaums. Rushmore. Sandlot. The Savages. Saw. Schindler's List. Shaun of the Dead. Shawshank Redemption. Sin City. Sixth Sense. Sling Blade. Spider-Man. Stand By Me. Star Wars. Station Agent. Stranger Than Fiction. Superbad. Terminator 2. There Will Be Blood. They Live!. Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada. Three Kings. Toy Story. Trainspotting. True Romance. Truman Show. 12 and Holding. V for Vendetta. Waiting for Guffman. Wayne's World. The Weather Man. Wedding Singer.The Woodsman. X-Men.
The Ice Storm. (9/10)


Anything on the CHILLER network.

Mr. Show
Family Guy
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The Office
Andy Richter Controls the Universe
Rocko's Modern Life
Flight of the Conchords
The Simpsons
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
I Love The 70's/80/90/Toys/
South Park
Tough Crowd With Colin Quinn
Late Night With Conan O' Brien
The Andy Dick Show
Arrested Development
Greg the Bunny
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?
Chapelle's Show
30 Rock
Everybody Loves Raymond
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Robot Chicken
Top Chef
::sigh: Degrassi:The Next Generation
Batman: The Animated Series
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.


Comic Books mostly.


Dr. Henry Jones Jr.

The Caped Crusader.

Daniel Plainview.

Randal Graves.

The Amazing Spider-Man.

Michael Showalter.

The Staff of Darkplace Hospital.

Mr. Christian Bale.

Cameron Frye.

Boba Fett.

Mr. Sam Rockwell.

Mr. Tarantino.

Paul Thomas Anderson.

Mr. Patton Oswalt.

Mr. Kevin Smith.

Mr. Edward Norton.

Mr. Andy Samberg.

Lobster Johnson.

My Blog

El Cordo Loco

Inspired by True Events.    So I was in the line for El Pollo Loco today. Yes folks, I actually waited in a line at El Pollo Loco...consisting of more than 11 people...just so I could g...
Posted by Cord on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:09:00 PST

My Interpretation of The Kite Runner

This is how I would tell the story of The Kite Runner. Keep in mind I've never read the book, nor do I know what it is about. I just know it is coming out this year. This is what I'm assuming it is ab...
Posted by Cord on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 05:03:00 PST

Freindly Neighbors

I visited my dad for the first time in almost a year last weekend. He had just recently moved into a new house and he was getting everything rennovated. The problem is he said he lived in a "friendly ...
Posted by Cord on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:08:00 PST

Memoirs Of A Community College Fag: Psychology 100

College is the time in a young man's life where he discovers who he is, and great change happens. My change has been for the worse. All formalities aside, I hate every man, woman, and neglected child ...
Posted by Cord on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 05:58:00 PST

I don't get it...

No matter how many STAR WARS bumper stickers I put on my car, people still try to purposefully ram into me. Honestly, what more do they want?
Posted by Cord on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:12:00 PST


So I was at the tacobell on seventeenth across from Jack and the Box, and I decided that I would urinate in the facilities. As I walked into the stall because I'm self conscious about my weiner-size I...
Posted by Cord on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 01:29:00 PST

The Last House On The Left: Review #1

Since I love movies I decided I would start posting reviews of movies, they will probably be the ones I hate though, not the ones I like, I feel more compelled to write about things that make me angry...
Posted by Cord on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:38:00 PST

Inquires: A Lost Short Story

This is a short story I wrote for my eighth grade English class. I got a D on it, except I found it to be quite the interesting story even by today's standards. Enjoy.I followed the man in my rearview...
Posted by Cord on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 09:21:00 PST

Phantom Of the Mall: Eric's Revenge

Yesterday evening Matt Stuhl and I went to our local SUN VIDEO store to find the worst possible movie we could find and purchase it for two dollars. After much rummaging through bad movies&we never re...
Posted by Cord on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST

24 Film Festival: Photos from the Production

Posted by Cord on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:56:00 PST