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La Casa Usher

La Casa Usher

About Me

DISCO RECOPILATORIO, CAMISETAS, TXAPAS ........ YA A LA VENTA1988 (Barakaldo Bizkaia) Javo Usher junto con su hermano Carlos deciden formar un grupo que recoja las influencias de bandas como Joy Division o Damned, conocen a Txarly incondicional de Lords of the new church y Paralisis Permanente, y se ponen manos a la obra empiezan a ensayar en una habitacin de la casa de Javo y Carlos, al cabo de unos meses se une al grupo Julio adicto de los Stranglers, quedando as definida lo que ser la primera formacin de LA CASA USHER: Javo-Guitarra y voz Carlos-Batera Txarly-Guitarra y voz Julio-Bajo. Tras un accidentado paso por un local en Santurce donde se les hunde el suelo al poco tiempo de instalarse en el, sintiendo en sus carnes "el Hundimiento de La Casa Usher" se construyen nuevo local dentro del Gaztetxe de Bilbao, este paso es decisivo en la historia de la banda ya que forman parte activa de esta casa ocupada y es aqu donde dan algunos de sus conciertos mas emocionantes. Diciembre de 1990 graban lo que ser su primera maqueta en los estudios Pan-Pot 500 copias con temas como "Fredo el carnicero" "Carroa" "El soldado Kraler".Algn tiempo despus Javo abandona la banda por temas de estudios y se incorpora Joakin fantico de Killing Joke, empiezan a tocar en directo de forma constante. 1991 el sello Grabaciones Gticas de Barcelona, edita el recopilatorio "Spanish Gothics Bands" que incluye dos de los temas de la maqueta. Verano de 1992 con dinero de los directos se encierran 4 das en los estudios Tio Pete para grabar 4 temas de lo que ser el E.P. "Obsesin" editado conjuntamente con munster records. La actuaciones se suceden de forma continua hasta el 28-5-94 que tras tocar en Madrid deciden disolver el grupo............., para entonces Julio ya haba dejado la banda por motivos laborales y la formacin final estaba compuesta por: Txarly-voz Carlos-Batera Joakin-Guitarra Guru-Guitarra Javi-Bajo ............... 2004: La Casa Usher resucita para un concierto puntual celebrando la noche de brujas en el gruta 77 de Madrid este bolo resulta tan magico para la banda que deciden no perder el contacto de nuevo y empiezan a ver la posibilidad de grabar los temas de siempre con la actitud actual para dejar asi la historia de la banda registrada en cd. 2005: Actuan en el II Festival San Vito (Valencia) y ultiman detalles para la preparacion de la grabacion del disco que esperan editar y presentar en 2006. 2006: grabacion con Xampe (Bilbao) durante los meses de febrero y marzo, el disco "de vuelta a casa" sera presentado en directo el 13 y 28 de abril en Valencia y Madrid respectivamente, la formacion actual la componen: Txarly-voz Pablo-Guitarra y (los hermanos) Jabo-guitarra y voz Carlos-bateria Oscar-bajo ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------LA CASA USHER biographyIn 1987 we were another group of teenagers enjoying the punk, after-punk,and New Wave (everything used to reach Spain sometime later) an the spanish –Madrid based- Movida. A very special moment in our history, full of freedom, imagination and creativity, “la transicion”, the transition from Franco´s dictatorship to democracy and modern Europe. Pedro Almodóvar, now world famous, was part of it. So references: Bauhaus, Joy Division, Killing Joke, Siouxsie, The Lords of the New Church, Ramones, Nina Hagen, Damned, Sex Pistols, Stranglers, Psychodelic Furs, Stray Cats, Cramps, David Bowie,Vetvet Underground, etc. And of course the spanish gothic-fetish band: Parálisis Permanente, the one and only: Eskorbuto (the best and tough latin-spanish punk band ever), Desechables, a sort of spanish punk Cramps, (take note and try them) ect. Another cultural references: Poe, Baudelaire, B. Brecht, Bukowsky... Mude and Black & White movies: "Psycho, Bonnie & Clyde", etc... Bilbao, now famous due to the Guggenheim Museum, was a city in the north of Spain? The Basque Country? a heavy industrial area with unemployment problems. “No Future” Remember? Lack of money, cheap and borrowed instruments, alcohol, hash, trips, speed... were the usual. La Casa Usher found its place at the “Gaztetxe” of Bilbao (house of young people, in Basque language) the biggest squot in the city ever. Police got us out in 1992, and two years later the band stopped. We had released a demo “La Casa Usher” 1990: “El Soldado Kraler” (The Soldier Kraler, inspired in a play by Bertold Brecht), “Fredo, el carnicero” (Fredo, the butcher), “Carroña” (Carrion, an adaptation of the poem by Charles Baudelaire), “Bonnie & Clyde”, “No”, “Sangre fría” (Cold blood)... And an Ep “Obsesión” 1992: “Hay algo en ti” (There is something about you), “Inmortal”, “El Ajedrez” (The Chess), “Obsesión”... In 1994 every one takes his own way...A decade later La Casa Usher revive, people nearby and in the net were asking us to come back, actually, we were thinking about getting together again, we felt like that, so... there we went. Back to the stage at well-known Gruta 77, Madrid, in Halloween 2004, a very special and exciting gig, goods sensations. We found out that the original energy, magic, and fun has not gone, and that our songs (no one new) are still young, so we decided to record them as a testimony of La Casa Usher, our legacy, “De Vuelta A Casa” (Back home) cd 1987-2006, fifteen Usher tracks. It was something that had to be done. And we did. Once again we remain loyal to our philosophy, the punk motto “Do it yourself”. No record company, so from the cover to the T shirt it is up to us, and some old friends who help us when it is necessary.We have been showing the cd “De vuelta a casa” in some main cities of Spain:Bilbao, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid... We have played in some Dark or gothic festivals, “Existence”, “El Baile de San Vito II / III” (St Vitus Dance II / III), and shared stage with international bands like “The Last Days of Jesus”, “45 Grave”, “Telekrimen”, “All gone dead”, or “Nosferatu”. Tarántula, Elegy Iberica Magazine journalist, writer, d. j., and our friend-manager, had live in Mexico for some years so she organized our mexican tour “El Circo de la Luna” (The Circus of the Moon) during “los días de muertos” (The days of deads, a kind of latin-american Halloween) the last October-november´06 with two dates in Mexico DF and gigs in: Irapuato, Cuernavaca, Puebla, Guadalajara. Here and specially there everybody is pleased with La Casa Usher, the performances, the songs, the lyrics... so we are. You can take a look at the comments people leave in our site in “myspace” www.myspace/lacasausher and check it. We are regarded as “a legendary gothic band”, “a survivors of the spanish afterpunk”, “a special group in the spanish dark scene”. But we are more than a gothic band: a strong and rocking rhythm, a pop touch, an entertaining frontman, etc. make La Casa Usher almost a band for everybody. Listen to our songs, come to our gigs and then tell us if this is true or not. We will release a videoclip of “Carroña” in a few weeks.Line Up: Txarly: Lead Vocalist, front man. Pablo: lead Guitar. (And the three brothers) : Jabo: Second vocalist and guitar. Carlos: Drums. Oscar: Bass.Piedad “pi”. Drawings. Kike Madura. Promo pictures. Tarántula (friend- manager)(El Acto ) [email protected] . for you. La Casa Usher.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/22/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Txarly|voz Jabo|guitarra,voz Pablo|guitarra Oscar|bajo Carlos|bateria

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Lyrics / Letras

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Obsesión     Era inútil pensar que entre los muertos me podría salvar algo puede fallar, quizás debiera probar...
Posted by La Casa Usher on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 03:33:00 PST

carteles "el circo de la luna" gira Mexico 06

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Posted by La Casa Usher on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 05:29:00 PST