I'm a T-Girl who didn't really bloom until later in life, but I'm trying my best to make up for lost time! My Mistress and partner in life, Mistress Katarina Vinoviche, has put plenty of time into helping me bring out my feminine side, and She is simply the best. Together we have had plenty of adventures, and currently are running an Ebay store for T-Girls and a Yahoo group to go along with it. %D%Ahttp://stores.ebay.com/Kats-Dream-Boutique%D%Ahttp://gro
que.com (website)%D%AI'm also into BDSM and bondage, and have had several groups along with a CD bondage website. I love the bizare and unusual, and enjoy most activities associated with the BDSM lifestyle. %D%A I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1