Other bondage models and photographers. Also bondage tops who can tie a good knot. I'm not really looking for a sexual hook up or a big relationship, just like-minded friends and possible collaborators.
Blue Velvet
Paris, Texas
What Happened Was
Requiem for a Dream
Crash (Cronenberg version)
Ma Vie en Rose
Last Temptation of Christ
Last Tango in Paris
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (first one)
The Exorcist
The Cook, the Thief, his Wife & her Lover
Recent Ones:
The Yes Men
Mayor of the Sunset Strip
Touching the Void
Super Size Me
Grizzly Man
60 Spins Around the Sun
The Naked Civil Servant by Quentin Crisp
Among the Dead - Michael Tolkin
Damage - Josephine Hart
Cockpit - Jerzy Kosinski
The Paradigm Conspiracy - Breton & Largent
Mean Genes - Burnham & Phelan
Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton
My Husband Betty - Helen Boyd
The Pleasure's All Mine - Joan Kelly
Out and About: the Emancipated Crossdresser, Lacey Leigh
The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression - Andrew Solomon
Witness - Whittaker Chambers
The Great Gatsby