everything new and colorful, i like to explore things. plus some sports activity ont he side from time to time wont hurt :) i like reading and writing. cooking, home chores, walks in nature and watching the sea.
New people that like to go out though i like to sit at home with friends also. i like creative people, smart people, i like nerds from time to time to refresh my memory on some stuff :) i was one of them one day long time ago, and i miss it from time to time :P
basically my life is like a theater, there is always a tune in my head and i work upon it. i love all kinds of music, and i sing from time to time depending on who is with me :)
movies r a good breaks from life, i am not a big fan of watching them, but i like the romantic, comedy, and cartoon ones. and the ones that have a message.
the tv is always on, i dont watch alot, but i like sound and voices of people talking or the music playing.
Doestoyvsky Notes from the underground. but not reading any at the moment.
Any one that conquer his problems is basically a hero.