GHETTÖ THÜNDER profile picture



About Me

Formed at some point in '97, Greg and I trooped it out for a bit making noise and hanging out, drinking and listening to records. About 6 months later I found DJ at work who borrowed his brother's bass, whatever happened to that thing anyway? We came, we rocked (sometimes), we will rock again someday, shit happened, thanks to all that put up with us, various singers came and tried out, we never got one, but thanks for the interest anyway. We drank alot and tried to play alot faster than we could and eventually fed DJ some extra booze and a microphone. I came up with the name based on Guitar Wolf song titles as that's what we initially started off trying to do but no one can do what they did as well as they did it. We all miss Billy very much and know he's rockin' up there in Rock 'n' Roll heaven.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/20/2005
Band Website: nun, I'm surprised I even did this much
Band Members: Greg-guitar DJ-bass/vox Tommy-drums
Influences: Lotsa good shit that we unfortunately never wound up sounding like, we started off sounding a bit Guitar Wolfish but it was all downhill from there.
Sounds Like: This was also once written about us....A while back, Ghetto Thunder could be seen bashing out all-instrumental sets that sounded like Guitar Wolf caught in a bear trap. Someone must’ve told ’em they oughta get a singer, so now the bass player barks hirsute hound-dog hokum about dope-sick rodeo clowns and the like. But the first song on the trio’s homonymous disc doesn’t have any vocals, and even if the track weren’t called " Car Crash, " you’d surmise it’s unsafe at any speed. Credited to " The Ghetto Thunders " on the intentionally misprinted CD label, it’s too fast to dance to but wild enough to make you try. They’ve got the speed, squalor, and sneer of early-’80s hardcore while somehow finding room for the gangly menace of Link Wray and a shuffling swagger descended from Chuck Berry. Known to cover G.G. Allin tunes, they’ve graduated to tackling San Francisco class-of-’76 dropouts Crime, whose " Rock and Roll Enemy No. 1 " appears on the disc; but the best thing here is GT’s own snotty three-chord garage bomb " I Don’t Care. "This was also printed once.... Ghetto Thunder are a power trio of pernicious bastards who spew up teeth-rattling, drunk on blood, leather jacket hardcore P.U.N.K. in the collapsed vein of the Dwarves, GG Allin, and escaped, elusive, narco-terrorists everywhere.Not sure how on these guys were in talking about us but I'll take it.
Type of Label: Indie