butterFace profile picture


womb to tomb-burst to earth

About Me

"start your own band, paint your own picture, write your own book, poem" Watt

My Interests


Member Since: 10/13/2004
Band Website: butterface.co.nr
Band Members: jerry-guitar/voice---- will-bass/voice---- billy d-drums/voicePURCHASE BUTTERFACE PRODUCTS CLICK BELOWbutterface shirts
Influences: only what others tell us to listen to!
Sounds Like: due to comments about our (three different band members may have three different influences...what a fucking concept) influences, I have made you decide what our influencess are. why not? we are sheep being lead to slaughter anyway!
Record Label: got one?
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Lou Barlow

Indie-Folk Rock is a funny business. The fan base for this unique genre of the music scene consists mostly of coffee shop folks who are usually struggling artists of some type. I had the pleasure of...
Posted by butterFace on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST