Cycle and season, rune and charm, magic under moonlight's gaze, spells to heal and spells to harm, these are the things which I do praise.
Blood of the old, Gods old and dark, Hidden Fire's eldritch spark, books of midnight with locks of the stars, for these I wander both near and far.
Would I like to meet you? It depends. Are you of fire and night, or poor and born of clay, merely another shadow flickering in my book? Do you even know what you are?
The Craft is not for everyone. A witch is not one who seeks to bend knee to god or man, spirit or beast. The Ordeal to walk the path is arduous indeed, and fraught with peril. The Witching is a Guardian, and though it is approachable, it is not a whore. Seek truly with honor and bravery, and you shall not be denied. Ask with greed or pomposity, and you shall be punished for your insolence.
If you would truly be a witch, then take these words to heart: Heed not the silly babble of priests and zealots, for they seek to feed your soul to their gods. Neither hearken to the tides of mood and melancholy, for they will only draw you into a whirlpool of ill humor and ennui. Walk with knowledge and surety, be willful and brave, and keep silent about what you learn.
If you do these things, and do no harm to mine or me, you will always be welcome by my fire.
Music is witchery, the expression of the heart's truth. Those melodies of others which conjure and call, these are the ones I seek. By knowing the song of a person's soul, you know them truly.
For me, truth is found in broken harmonies, in wordless paeans, in intense repetitive beats, in rhythms felt in the bone and blood. In my experience, magic sings in the heart which cries and laughs simultaneously, in a breast unclosed to life's pulse.
What feels, sings. Those who sing with Power are heard by all, from the stones and the stars. I seek those melodies, for they are truly a treasure of great value.
Art moves me. I embrace all the wide ranges of pleasure offered by the shapers of light and illusion.
However, I refuse the coercions placed upon my mind that comes with the repetitive blaring of televised drama and false hilarity.
Except when it pleases me to do otherwise.
Ah... books... the keepers of knowledge, past and present, and perhaps future as well.
Books hold great fascination for me. Those of light and illusion bear as much wisdom as those of air and darkness. The path to magic is winding, and embraces many possibilities.
A sturdy leather book, with a clasp which is unlocked by a simple key, one that holds strength for the reader, and carries them away on winds of fate, returning them to their home changed for the better, this is the kind of book I yearn for.
One day, I will write it.
Those who fight against injustice for others and themselves, these are the ones I revere. Those who know themselves, and do not surrender. Those who dance with glamour, and give it honor, instead of obsessing over illusions and false faces. Those who do not rend life with truth, but rather bear it as a standard. These are the real heroes.