.....Marylin Manroe (of course!!!).........and I think I'm ready to meet my birth mom...........
Anything!!! I love to dance....if you can move to it....its GOLDEN!But even unfamiliar music is amazing....you can picture paradise, or war, or love, or hate simple through a few black spots on a page......wow...but then there are times of total relaxation (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, names I can't say let alone SPELL!!!).....But Aerosmith is one of my favorites......Steven Tyler: Ugliest rocker next to Mac Jagger....but when he sings!!! Whooooo!
All of them.....
There ARE some I wonder why the time and energy was wasted.....but everyone needs a creative outlet right?Here are some of my tops....
What's that? I've lived without cable for 7 years....I do fine. I get shit done....but every once in a while...
*hehehehehe* I LOVE Harry Potter!!!
My grandmother. She never let anyone push her. She stood up for what she believed in and taught all of her children to do the same. She also never seemed to let trivial things bother her....she always smiled and though she was only 5'1'' at most and a buck 10 when she was dripping wet! She could put you in your place and put the fear of God into you!!! But it was always for your own good....and you also knew she would be the first one you could run to when you were hurt....