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Be about it. Don't talk about it!

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My Interests

Advocare Spark energy drink gives you a sustained amount of energy over a longer period of time. You won't get a sudden burst but you won't have the let down either. I found that when I take Spark I have that mental focus that I need to compete on an elite level.

Spark does not overstimulate and overburden energy systems but rather supports their activities with specific nutrients. Spark provides support for clean, crisp energy without the let-down feeling often associated with non-nutritional artificial stimulants. Perfect in the morning instead of coffee or before workouts/games. Take as needed on an empty stomach.

Catalyst helps feed the muscle during caloric restriction. Though the goal is to lose fat a weight loss program consisting of reduced calories and an exercise program can often strip us of the protein our muscles need to remain healthy and to give us the toned lean look we want. Furthermore, our muscles serve as the engine that burns calories. Catalyst supplement works by providing a blend of essential amino acids to supply your body with the muscle-feeding components it needs. Take immediately before exercise on an empty stomach and when you don't have time to eat.

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Why take Advocare's vitamin Coreplex over a one-a-day?
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People who have an active mind and body, independent, passionate about something, proactive, aren't afraid to have fun, and spread positive vibrations.

Business owners, athletes, models, musicians, personal trainers, promoters, artists, photographers, dj's, people from around the world looking for a web site.


What I put in my body and when:

MNS Max Energy sustains energy, omega 3's, vitamins and minerals, probiotics, metabolic enhancers, supports weight loss. Take before breakfast and lunch.

Catalyst helps feed the muscle during caloric restriction. When you diet or exercise, you might be losing more than you think. Though the goal is to lose fat, a weight loss program consisting of reduced calories and a healthy exercise program can often strip us of the protein our muscles need to remain healthy and to give us the toned, lean look we want. Furthermore, our muscles serve as the engine that burns calories. Catalyst supplement works by providing a blend of essential amino acids to supply your body with the muscle-building components it needs. Take immediately before exerices on an empty stomach and when you dont' have time to eat.

Post-workout Recovery Shake supports the body's ability to make muscle protein in the largest amounts possible. The unique blend gives the body the energy and structural support to get stronger. The other features of Post-Workout Recovery, including additional branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), creatine, medium-chain triglycerides and digestive enzymes, all combine to make this the finest anabolic powder available anywhere in the world today. Take immediately after exercise.

Muscle Fuel is a comprehensive workout drink mix that supports the muscles' energy systems, helping you make the most of your training. Muscle Fuel also helps heighten the body's metabolism while supplying you with an increased sense of energy. Take 15-30 minutes before workout.

Advocare ReHydrate (Fruit Punch) represents the latest generation of rehyrdation drinks, with an advanced antioxidant formula, unique energy cycle cofactors and glutamine, a key amino acid with powerful health properties.

ReHydrate helps speed water into the body after physical activity. The blend of carbohydrates and electrolytes actually helps empty water out of the stomach faster than if you were to drink plain water, so you replenish vital body fluids more quickly. Rehydration is essential for everyone, whether or not you are an athlete or even exercise. Take before, during, after any physical activity.

Advocare Spark energy drink gives you a nice sustained amount of energy over a longer period of time. You won't get a sudden burst, but you won't have the let down either. You will find yourself doing and enjoying more things, because you feel like you have extra energy to burn.

Spark contains neuroactives, which work as natural stimulants of brain biochemistry. A full array of vitamins, minerals and other factors are presented for efficient production of neuro-energy. The neuroactives in Spark also help reduce appetite.

Spark does not overstimulate and overburden body energy systems but rather supports their activities with specific nutrients and neuro-precursor compounds. Spark provides endocrine support for clean, crisp energy without the let-down feeling often associated with non-nutritional artificial stimulants. perfect before games or in the morning. Take as needed on an empty stomach. Personally, I take it first in the morning and before games/practices.

Advocare Nighttime Recovery supports "anabolism," which means that it helps to enhance the production of muscle. Muscle production is absolutely essential to anyone seeking to perform at top physical and mental levels. Provides nutritional support for production of hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone. These hormones are naturally produced in both men and women. If you sleep 4 hours it feels like 8. Take immediately before bed.

My Blog

Solutions for weight loss...

Concerned about the way you look and feel?Check out this customizable three step nutrition program from Advocare for weight management and energy:Heather Boyd dropped 70 pounds and has energy to play ...
Posted by J A S O N on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 08:47:00 PST

Financial opportunity. Key leader wanted!

Company Industry: Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Exercise, Fitness.265 million dollar nutrition company is expanding across the country. Looking for Mompreneurs or someone who has owned or operate...
Posted by J A S O N on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 03:24:00 PST

No more sore muscles after working out. Finally.

I was training to play professional baseball and had tried different supplements, shakes, and vitamins from local health stores. They worked for awhile, but my soreness didn't seem to go away. ...
Posted by J A S O N on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 08:29:00 PST

What are NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL players saying about my product?

If you are a little skeptical about if the supplements will work for you or I... take some time to hear true testimonies from elite professional athletes who are using the product. The product was not...
Posted by J A S O N on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 09:26:00 PST

Mr. Natural Olympian product testimony.

FROM NATURALBODYBUILDER.NET - CHAD A. MARTIN 2004 ABA/INBA Team USA Natural Nationals (Las Vegas)2005 Mr. Natural Olympia - 2nd place AdvoCare is the best system for muscle production and tes...
Posted by J A S O N on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:16:00 PST

Heather dropped 70 pounds and has energy to play with her kids again.

Heather BoydTexasWhere I was: Last winter, I weighed more than I ever had in my life. At 5'8" and 185 pounds, I was really unhappy. I had no energy, no self-esteem. I just didn't want to ever get off ...
Posted by J A S O N on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:18:00 PST

True weight loss story

Readers, Finally got the pics from Trevor.  My friend got him started 1 and 1/2 years ago on two of the weight management products my company has introduced.  After 6months of buyin...
Posted by J A S O N on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 06:37:00 PST

March 2006 Muscle & Fitness Magazine - product user makes cover

Hey Everyone,These products must be safe and effective! Congrats to Jim Romagna, made the cover of the March 2006 Muscle & Fitness Mag. Jim has been with us as a member for almost 5 ye...
Posted by J A S O N on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 07:01:00 PST

Site examples & Web Hosting for you...

Here are a few site examples: http://www.nitasworld.comhttp://www.ninahibbler.comhttp://ww w.tamarackwildlife.orghttp://www.advocareoutlet.com/old Creating and/or updating a clean professional site c...
Posted by J A S O N on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 07:06:00 PST

High quality multi-vitamin. A must have in your wellness program

Get this advocare vitaminAudio: Coreplex...
Posted by J A S O N on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 07:32:00 PST