Please make an attempt to read my profile. You might find a little more interesting things about me than you think. Also I will not answer any questions that can be easily found on my profile.
I guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist, touring most of my childhood in a gymnastics team, being a classical pianist playing venues most of my youth, and a scholastic student. I graduated high school at the young and tender age at 15 just looking to get ahead in life. After high school I've been looking to save enough money to go to college and before the ages of 18 I've save over $1000 to my name.
Well, I guess that's enough of my childhood. I don't want to go through my entire career. So I'll just give a summary. I'm an Actress, Model, and Dancer but despite my career much money wasn't flowing in. So I had to take control of my own career. I had to climb the ladder from my job as a publisher for a magazine called "Oriental Doll" which is now called "Asian Hotties" and basically I wanted to create a large audience for the Asian female public. I've been on featured documentaries on E! Online, Fox Files, HBO, Playboy TV, WB the list goes on. After I've been signed to other production companies and am featured in many videos. And the rest is history. My latest production was a mainstream comedy called "Come Again".
Well, that was a brief summary of my career, me as a person? Well, I'm not into the typical Los Angeles/Las Vegas thing. That whole "what you do", "where you live", "what you drive" and "what you wear" type thing. I'm not stuck-up or selfish at all. I'm a very sweet and caring person. I'm not an airhead as you probably already figured out. I'm very down to earth and I like to think. It's not all fun and games with me. I actually like to settle down and be challenged once in a while. I also like the simple things in life...but I wouldn't mind settling for being rich and famous I'm just playing.
Well, some other things about me that you guys would like to know. I'm a sensual and sexual person. No problem showing that side of me. I'm very outgoing and easy to talk to. I'd like to talk to some shy people and help them come out of their shell a little bit. I'm a friendly person so I don't discriminate on who I want or don't want to talk to me. I'm trustworthy, loyal, and thoughtful. I am patriotic and I'm a loyal American.
That's about it for my traits. I enjoy long walks but don't get me wrong. I love crusing around town as well. I would do it more often if I were able to drive just a wee bit better. I love going to concerts. I mean who doesn't? I do live in Las Vegas after all. I've been living here for 13 years and I don't think I could live anywhere else. My absolute favorite thing that I like to do is traveling. I love traveling and I love my career because it allows me to travel. I've been to so many places and I've meet so many people throughout my adventures. If that's not a reason for one to travel then I don't know what is.
Speaking of my career I am a free lance dancer. I've been doing it for most of my adult life. One of the reason why I do it is because it allows me to tour the country. I promised myself when I was younger that I wouldn't tour again. Well, dinero is dinero.
Acting is another one of my favorites. That career also allows me to travel. I'm currently working on two independent films. One of which is called Lil' Bruno and the other is called Devils Canyon. E-mail me for more information on those movies. I would love to do more modeling. I haven't gotten the chance. The last modeling job I pull was for my gubenatorial campaign.
Speaking of which I ran for governor last summer. It was a great campaign. I even recieved air time on some of the major news networks like MSNBC, Fox News and the local television news network and radio stations (E-mail me if you would like to see the details). I came in fourth in my political party and most of all I had fun. After my campaign for govneror I decided to start on a brand new campaign. A campaign against poverity. I came from a third world country, and have also experience suffering and discrimination. Choosing a leader wisely is by recognizing "What they can bring to the table", NOT "where they come from". Economically or racially. The many supporters and new friends made forever will I cherish. I hope you all can join in with many of my other favorite organizations and support my humanitarian causes. Especially extreme poverty. I hope to inspire the desolate and those without hope, and bring them HOPE.
Let's see...what else. I'm an artist :-) I love making body sculptures, body prints and body cast. I'm a little bit of a fashion designer too. I LOVE fashion! I like making my own clothing. A few years ago I started my my own business with my business partner Jason Oberly and together we've created and sold paintings, body cast sculptures, clothing and other accessories. It's all here at "" A few examples:
By now you know that I am a mother, a lover, an actress, a dancer, a dream girl, a politician, a humanitarian and a hopeless romantic. I can be all that I can be but I can only do so much at a time. Most of all I can be a friend. Drop by, send me an e-mail and read some of my blogs that I have posted. I'd love to hear from you and I'm always ready to make new friends/fans.
That's basically me in a nutshell. If youre this far into my profile youre one step closer into getting to know me. I know that we will get a lot just find and I hope to hear from all of you.
How to make a Mimi
1 part brilliance
1 part mercy
1 part ego 3 parts arrogance
3 parts beauty
3 parts courage
3 parts joy
5 parts intelligence
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little fitness if desired!
Personality cocktail