Anime; manga; reading; graphite art (mine); unicorns; ferrets; friends, there isn't anything else that I do.
adopt your own virtual pet!Here Is Where I Post Banners For The Bands I Like And I Think Deserve Promoting
No one right now.
Mostly goth, but some metal, some grunge, some alternative, some just weird, most of the stuff I like is mid-80's until now.
There is only a few that I REALLY like and will watch over and over. Legend, The Labrynth, The Princess Bride,The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, all of The Crow sequals, and a couple anime movies
Don't watch much of it, prefer to READTake the quiz:
Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You?
.."+1"Pog mo thoin
Pog mo thoin - 'Kiss my ass.'You're one tough bastard, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can kiss your ass. You enjoy fighting and causing grievous bodily harm. Hey! What are you lookin' at, punk?
Mostly Mercedes Lackey and her Heralds Of Valdemar Series, Barb & J.C. Hendee and their Noble Dead Series, some manga-kun like Kazuya Minekura (Saiyuki)and Hideyuki Kikuchi (The Vampire Hunter D novels). There are other authors, but these four, I have more of their works.
None that haven't shamed themselves in my eyes. The only hero should be yourself, if it's someone else, you are bound to fail trying to live up to their inflated reputations.
Your Irish Name Is...
Michaela Murphy
What's your Irish Name?