Check out her 2 other space:------------------------------------------------------
-- MidnightCrusade -------Also listen to her 2 New Remix:------- Songs of Chantal ------------------------------------------------------------
-Born on June 13 in Montréal, by the grace of God Almighty. Being in a hurry to experience the beauty of both the world and art her mother was unable to make it to the hospital.-------A gift, an awakening, more than a dream. Art has impressed a vision on her at the age of two. Her first memory, her god mother held her hand to guide her as she drew, after giving her a doll. Hence her first unforgettable step on the road of art. She find herself in this discipline and expressionism, style in which the impression in her mind is interpreted in the face of her art. A thought, a painting that expresses the sentiments of the heart, silently one reads within it, without sound or words. This is the value of art, otherwise what is the use of art if it cant talk for itself.-----------Her poetry was born by the reflection of her arts------------She invites you in her universe, an oasis of peace and serenity----------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------Née le 13 juin à Montréal par la grace de Dieu tout puissant. Pressée de vivre avec le désir de connaitre la beauté du Monde et de l Art, sa mère n' a pas eu le temps d' arriver à l' hopital.------------Un cadeau, un déclic, puis un rêve. L'art lui a imprégné d'une vision depuis l'âge de deux ans. Son premier souvenir, une femme, sa marraine, celle qui a dirigé ces mains pour dessiner, après lui avoir offerte une poupée, d'où son premier pas inoubliable sur le chemin de l'art. Elle se reconnais dans une discipline : l' expressionnisme , un style dans lequel est interprété l'expression du visage. Une pensée, la peinture qui extériorise les sentiments du coeur; on y lit des choses silencieusement, sans aucune phrase, aucun mot. C'est là la valeur de l'art. Sinon à quoi servirait une oeuvre d'art si elle ne parle pas d'elle-même.
------------Sa poésie est née par le reflet de ces arts
------------Elle vous invite dans son univers, un havre de paix et de sérénité-------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------My Favorite Quote: There is nothing impossible if you believe. I can do all things. (We make our own destiny, all things in life are choices) Don't prepare for the worse only expect the best otherwise is to give a chance to failure don't let negativity win over you, so doubt your doubts. It's all in the mind, just decide and act on it by saying your goals out loud, and everything will fall into place. If you want it you can have it! You bring about what you think about (good or bad) ------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord," (Ephesians 5:19)"------------------------------------------------------
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