Generate Business for Those iNDependents needing an outlet for to sell their music and people who want to help themselves and empower their own personal finance and economic value. Thatz Whatz Up! West West and WhoopWoop! - Where Urban Knights Reside, Business First. Not Your Average Music Service.
Those who are ready to "get theirz" and take destiny into their own hands by creating their Street Buzz using WhoopTonez and its services:
WhoopTonez online retailer of MP3 Singles for as low as .89 cents.
"Da Radio Show" Every Monday Night@11pm on 1580AM Los Angeles. An Indpendent radio show for Indie Urban Music exposure.
UUMAC marketing for Los Angeles promotions and store placement.
Jazzy Management the New West Manager handling business accordingly. Send your Bios and Information to [email protected] also attach one song, it should tell all. We will answer accordingly.
School Tours, tour the Los Angeles area schools to perform and bring awareness to your music.
WhoopTonez is The iNdependent Music Spot to create your Internet Buzz - Not Your Average Music Service. West West and WhoopWoop!
WhoopTonez have collected just a handful of artists who live everyday lives with something to express. People from different backgrounds from Compton to the Bronx down to Ol'Dirty up to Mid West. Crossing waters from Jamacia to Australia. Music from America's underground Hip Hop and Rap Boots to an Independent album from African Hip Hop Artists. Not just collecting but selecting quality work utilizing an exclusive music ear as tool. You can visit this collection of artists at WhoopTonez . Our MySpace radio will profile our MySpace friend's music, so make it hot!
HavPlenty from MiraMax - "Entertaining a good example of an average Indie (Lee Plenty) living day by day life, struggling to make his reality a business. This funny romantic comedy focus on the downtime of an entrepreneur's holiday weekend." ***** from Omar Foshizzi. A must see available on DVD, tell'em WhoopWoop sent you. So all you Independent Film makers get with us The Independent Music and Film Spot,,. Watch Videos on WhoopTonez
Your local Cable or Broadband company all have a station dedicated to Local Origination. They give opportunity to locals to learn how to record, produce, and broadcast their own Indie Creativity. In Los Angeles such shows as, "Dream TV" and "L.A. Beats" fresh shows with raw talent. Cannot forget the big homie "Mr. Groove"
Books of Wisdom, business magazines, newspapers, almost anything made interesting.
Real talk on people who I respect: Muhammed(PBUH) and his Companions of the 7th Century, Moms, Muhammed Ali the boxer, and the Family of Ibrahim (Abraham) all fighting for the same reason, Independence. They all made important major statements when the society and the world told them "No".