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Tuna Can

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

You Are 93% New Jersey!

Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
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Where ya drunk or where ya blind when ya left your two fine legs behind? I wasnt drunk and I wasnt blind when I left my two fine legs behind. I t was a cannonball on the fifth of may that took my two fine legs away. To-ra-ho-rah-ho. To- rah-rah-ro-to-toha-roh. that being said.fuck it. lets just let it all hang out. Born and raised in NJ. I live about 5 minutes from the beach for the first 19 yrs of my life. Had some great friends growing up, I still see a majority of them on a weekly basis at our card game. I move out at 20 and left for Vt with my buddy Yohanseh. We went to work at okemo Mt in Vermont. We lived and partied like no one could stop us. It was the best winter of my life. After that I moved back with my pops after my parents divorced. Things were cool till my dad flipped the switch called me worthless and I left. moved to my moms apartment but then quickly moved to my girlfriends house in philly. A few months of me being there with no job she kicked me out. I moved back to my moms and then moved to florida. partied my ass of in cape coral fl...westcoast mother fuckers, the gulf of mexico rocks. 2 1/2 years of florida three major hurricanes I left and came back to jersey. Stayed with ma dukes for a couple months, got mad bills but i make it work. still party. still looking for that one girl that makes me melt. well after thats all said and done, I rock flip flops jeans and t-shirts year round, sometimes when its cold i throw on a thermal and rock a goofy t-shirt over it. thats me I hope it excites you, if not oh well, I still smile everyday because I know at any minute I could be dead. so thats that. On the flip side I love hanging with my friends getting a little tipsy. I enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like taking your socks off just as your about to fall asleep. I brush my teeth in shower. I dont like people who think they are better then others. I know I am not perfect and I fuck up plenty but thats what people do, they fuck up. We all have at some point in our lives.Anyway I was of on a tangent New Jersey rocks its my home it will always be but that will not stop me from moving whenever the oppourtunity pokes its head out.
You Are a Martini
There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it! What Mixed Drink Are You?
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?

My Interests

photography, music, snowboarding, surfing, da beach boy, relaxing, ny giants football, beer goodtimes, laughing, making people laugh, women, once in a lifetime opportunities, just living life, believing in something better then this, not sweating the bullshit, no limit hold em, Atlantic city, warm weather, sun tans, flip flops, beer, fireplaces, vacations, burning, t-shirts and jeans, jellybeans, opie and anthony, beer,.. width="425" height="350" .. palm trees, fishing,test
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I'd like to meet:

I would like too meet so many people. but I really enjoy meeting people I never expected to meet. I have made more friends by accident then on purpose. I enjoy people full of life, ready to take on any obstacles, life isnt easy and its cool to be able to meet people you can relate to and eventually they turn out to be people who you never thought would share the same intrests as you. and thats it your friends and friends are all you can ask for in this life but if I had to make a list: The girl up the street, the other girl up the street, Jacke Kerauc, Mr. T, The swedish cook from the muppets, Andre the Giant, Nick "no nonsense" Nicholson the dart board player, Jim Henson, Shel Silversteen, My wife, tone loc, John Jacobjingleheimerschmit (I thinks thats the correct spelling) there are more but those are for me to know and you to not.Mike


mostly anything no country, i like classic rock, hard rock, any rap from 1989 to 1995. to be more specific: Springsteen, zepplin, doobie brothers, Wu tang, epmd, Biggie, 2pac, redman, steve miller band, korn, soulfly, jurrasic five, nas, jay-z, mobb deep, allman bros, skynard, dylan, krs-one, cypress hill, grateful dead, who, joe walsh, bob marley,..damien marley, peter tosh, sinatra, ben e king, nat king cole, guns and roses, buffet, big mike, paul wall, linkin park, the 4 tops, mudvayne, sting, the police, Blue oyster cult, bto, bobby darin .. width="425" height="350" ..


do we really need to go there,Captain Ron Caddyshack, spaceballs , Goodfellas, Bronx tale, Dumb and dumber, 12 angry men, boondock saints,..godfather, apocalypse now, young frankenstein, blazzing saddles, fast times at ridgemont high, pulp fiction, clerks, dazed and confused, seven,shawshank redemption, teenage mutant ninja turtles, finding nemo, monsters inc, last boy scout, big lebowski, wedding crashers, dodgeball, meet the parents, tommy boy, seven, dodgeball, dogma, superman, rocky 1,2,4, jaws, incredibles,office space, the crow, pootie tang, march of the wooden soldiers, the secret of nihm, children of the corn, ace ventura, casino, godfather 1+2, deer hunter, suicide kings, friday, lost boys, topgun, iron eagle, candyman, evil dead, dawn of the dead, eurotrip, anchorman, billy madison, the gret muppet caper,trains planes and automobiles, summer rental (a must see for shore residents), the great outdoors, ghostbusters, spaceballs, harlem nights, anything richard pryor, blow, the burbs, dead presidents, carlitos way, Indiana Jones (all three),fear and loathing in las vegas, vulgar,true romance, the way of the gun, crash, stoned age. I could go on for ever so any movie that is funny or with a decent plot is watchable..


.. width="425" height="350" ..giants football, simpsons, seinfeld, miami ink, dog the bounty hunter, law and order, sports center, mxc, mythbusters.


anything Hunter s Thompson (rum diaries, the great shark hunt, fear and loathing in las vegas) Jack Kerauc (on the road, big sur, dharma bums) any biography, I like to read books about true events or true life experiences. 740 and park, count of monte cristo, spartacus, twelve days of terror, last man standingto catch a fire, My life in orange, graceland.


.. width="425" height="350" ..mom

My Blog

my brain

well how about this, work sucks. Well not all work but radio shack fucking blows. They took away our commision unless its a cell phone. I did not sign on to be a fucking cell phone salesman. I never e...
Posted by Tuna Can on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 04:26:00 PST

this and that

Well atlantic city didnt work out as well as  I thought it would. I was going to be short rent by 120 bucks or 200 and the only way I could think of to turn 80 into 200 was atlantic city. Well th...
Posted by Tuna Can on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 05:39:00 PST