* Well, AWWW
Playing in the yard or shop, Cooking,animals,mechinic's,building and fixing things, and Flurting with the Ladys on here. Reality Though, I really don't want to complicate my life. I'm just trying to have a little fun! .............. I heard Dr phil once say that you should have your profile picture of yourself doing things that you really like to do!.... Hummm, Wonder how many people would get kicked off my space for it
my space layouts
*Michael Landon , If he was still alive.
Courtesy of MsTags.com*
My comments
More video's in the video's place, up by the profile pictures ** Song Lyrics
(Horror,comedy,some action.) BIG FISH, and THE NOTEBOOK! (It kind of reminds me of myself.If you were ever to get to know me you would understand.)
news,sometimes the beginning of jay leno.
Tech. books, service manuals, If I ain't fixing it I want to be haveing fun! rideing it or something!
Hosted by Sparkle Tags*
My Grand Father, and Michael Landon. Landon because he reminds me of my grand father, and he had the same moral fiber on TV. As in his real life. Both were able to be good hearted, without being walked on. And sincere while still mantaining thier balls*
My comments