Photo Op profile picture

Photo Op

Someone has got to take the pictures

About Me

Greetings.Thank you for visiting my profile. I am an avid amateur photographer. Photography is one of my prime passions. It has provided me with the means, motive, and opportunity to explore, learn, and share.

I have been an event photographer for many years. I enjoy people-watching and photographing people when they are in their "happy places" at events such as parades, festivals, and comic/sci-fi/horror conventions.
I have photographed everyone from Confederate reenactors to Klingons to Anime Otaku. My primary style of photography is photojournalistic. I try to capture the flow of events, from beginning to middle to end. Think photo essay if you will. Recently, I have been trying my hand at fetish photography(I am very fond of bare feet)and alternative glamour photography.


My Interests

Photography(people, parades, festivals, car shows, glamour, fetish), attending conventions(horror, comic book, and science fiction), haunted attractions, reading(mystery, horror, fantasy, photography), exercise, travel, crossword puzzles, video games

I'd like to meet:

Women interested in fetish modeling. Other photographers to shoot and chat with. People who are into Sci-Fi/Comic/Horror/Fantasy conventions. Fans and employees of haunted attractions.


Classical, 80's stuff, Rammstein, Midnight Syndicate, horror movie soundtracks(e.g., Saw, Saw II, Freddy vs. Jason, Resident Evil), native american pow-wow drumming and singing.


    Spirited Away, The Incredibles(what the "Fantastic Four" was supposed to be. Still susprised that Marvel Inc. didn't sue), Lord of the Rings trilogy, Audition(a case where a slow build really sets up the climax), The Matrix trilogy, Tetsuo(it won't make sense, but it can mess your head up), Necromantik(very nasty story of a bad relationship that gets worse), Ringu(not that sad American remake), Evil Dead, Creepshow, I'm gonna git you sucker, Blazing Saddles, Texas Chainsaw Massacre(the original version), Phantasm(a fine nightmare of a movie), The Thing(Carpenter's remake), The Fly(Cronenberg's remake), Se7en, The Abomiable Dr. Phibes, SW: Empire strikes back, SW: Revenge of the Sith, Ninja Scroll (one of the greatest action anime movies ever), Legend of the Overfiend (classic hentai)


Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, , Miami Ink, Inked, old-school('70s-'80s) horror movies, National Geographic specials, pretty much anything on the Discovery Channel


Etiquette for Outlaws, Grand Guignol(non-fiction covering "splatter theater"), The Art of Worldly Wisdom, The Art of War, The 48 Laws of Power(if you want a greatest hits of classic writings on the acquisition and application of power), How We Die, Photography, Guide to Photojournalism, Photography for Perverts, What they don't teach you at film school(good advice on following your passion) Flags of Our Fathers(About the most famous photograph in the world)


Those people who have tried to help us realize our better natures.

My Blog


Saw "1408" last Friday.  It is based on a short story by Stephen King.  The story is good.  I highly recommend it for horror fiction fans.  The movie...not so much.  The short...
Posted by Photo Op on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:34:00 PST

Samples from a long weekend of shooting

From the Friday afternoon of Feb 9th until Sunday evening I went from one photo event to the next.  I could blather on about following my bliss, but I won't.  I got out and enjoyed myself.&n...
Posted by Photo Op on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 03:48:00 PST

Pan's Labyrith: I am dead inside

This entry is not a review.   It is a reaction.  Last weekend I watched the movie, Pan's Labyrith.  It is a movie about the mundane intersecting with the magical.  A young wom...
Posted by Photo Op on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:14:00 PST

Just another turn on the dark carousel: Extreme Horror movies

Extreme Horror movies like Saw and Hostel have come under attack for being...what's the phrase? Ah yes, ....Torture Porn.  Of course the slam isn't so much on the movie as the type of person who ...
Posted by Photo Op on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:46:00 PST