Wayne E. Popelka profile picture

Wayne E. Popelka

Red isn't the color of blood anymore.

About Me

When you're in any sort of group therapy, you learn a very effective method of expressing yourself called the "feeling statement." This is how it works:

When you _______ I felt ______ because _______.


When you forgot to wake me up for afternoon therapy I felt betrayed because we're supposed to look out for each other and this sort of makes me question our trust level.

You're conditioned that this terribly clever therapy tool is a cure all and encouraged to use it in most circumstances - both in and out of the therapist's domain.

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My Interests

Comics, History, Music, Mopeds, Language.

I'd like to meet:

I've found that women who like Comics, Leonard Cohen, or Tom Waits simply do not exist. If they did, they would be at the top of this list. Long lost high school associates are keen. Anyone with interests and/or an opinion is nice.


Confessions of my Ipod: 1-speed bike, 311, 50 cent, 90 day men, a minor forest, a silver mt. zion, aerial m, air, the album leaf, alex chilton, alias & tarsier, the aluminum group, the american girls, american music club, amon tobin, and you will know us by the trail of dead, andrew bird, animotion, annie lenox, antony & the jonhsons, april march, arab on radar, arab strap, the arcade fire, archer prewitt, archers of loaf, arcwelder, aretha franklin, at the drive-in, ativin, atomo, battles, beach boys, bear claw, beastie boys, beatles, beck, bedhead, beep beep, beirut, belle and sebastian, ben harperblind boys of alabama, the beta band, beth gibbons and rustin mann, BIG'N, big black, billie holliday, bjork, black ox orchestra, black rebel motorcycle club, blonde redhead, blue man group, blur, boards of canada, bob dylan, bob marley, braid, brainiac, brass knuckles for tough guys, the breeders, brian wilson, brickbat, brokeback, broken social scene, buddy holly, burning airlines, cake, the cardigans, cash money, castanets, cee-lo green, cheer accident, cicoone youth, cinemechanica, clinic, cody chestnut, come, common, the common cold, the constantines, cougars, the coral, cornelius, crooked fingers, crosby stills nash and young, the cure, daft punk, david bowie, death from above 1979, death in vegas, deathcab for cutie, del rey, the denison-kimball trio, depeche mode, deus, devotchka, dianogah, the dirty three, the dismemberment plan, dj bhavesh, dj shadow, do make say think, dolorean, don caballero, dr dre, drive like jehu, duke ellington, duster, eels, elliott, elliot smith, end result, enon, eurhythmics, emily haines & the soft skeleton, eric bachmann, everything but the girl, the ex, ex-chittle, exhaust, the ex, exhaust, the exit, experimental aircraft, explosions in the sky, the fire theft, the firebird band, firewater, the flaming lips, fleetwood mac, foo fighters, the frames, frank sinatra, frankie sparo, franz ferdinand, from monuments to masses, frou frou, fugazi, gang of four, giant sand, giant;s chair, girls against boys, gnarls barkley, godspeed you black emperor, gogol bordello, gorillaz, guns n roses, handsome, hangedup, harmonia ensemble & kocani orkestar, hayden, head of david, the headlights, helmet, hero of a hundred fights, hot snakes, hovercraft, hum, i love you but i've chosen darkness, imogen heap, impossible recording machine, interpol, islands, isotope 217, jaks, jason mueller, jawbreaker, jens lekman, the jesus and mary chain, the jesus lizard, jimi hendrix, jimmy eat world, john lennon, john vanderslice, johnny cash, the jon spencer blues explosion, journey, june of 44, juno, kanye west, ken stringfellow, kevin shields, the killers, king krimson, kristen hersh, l'spaerow, lake of dracula,le fly pan am, leonard cohen, the letter c, life at sea, liz phair, l'spaerow, lustre king, man man, marilyn manson, maserati, medicine, the melvins, the mercury program, michael andrews, midwest product, miles davis, the minus 5, minus the bear, moby, model/actress, modest mouse, mogwai, the moldy peaches, the moody blues, mount shasta, mule, mum, murder by death, my bloody valentine, nada surf, national skyline, neil young, neutral milk hotel, NEW BRUTALISM, new wet kojak, the new year, nick cave and the bad seeds, nick drake, nig-hiest, nina simone, nine inch nails, nirvana, the notes and scratches, notwist, out hud, the out_circuit, outkast, owls, oxes, page france, paleface, panda, papa m, paul simon, peaches, pedro the lion, pegboy, pelican, peter gabriel, phoenix, pinback, the pines of rome, pink floyd, the pixies, pj harvey, the police, the polyphonic spree, pontious prototype, portishead, the postal service, primus, prince, public image limited, pw long's reelfoot, QUATRE TETE, rachel's, radiohead, rainer maria, rapeman, the rapture, rasputina, the rat pack, red red meat, retsin, the revolting cocks, revolver modele, rex, ritchie valens, rockwell, rodan, roger waters, the rolling stones, the roots, roy orbison, rufus wainwright, run dmc, russian circles, the russian red army choir, the rye coalition, sackville, salvatore, sangre del toro, sarah brightman, sarah mclachlan, scotland yard gospel choir, scratch acid, screamin' jay hawkins, the sea and cake, seam, sebadoh, sebastian tellier, serena manesh, set fire to flames, shellac, the shipping news, shooter jennings, shout out out out out, sigur ros, the silver apples, simon and garfunkel, six by seven, sleater kinney, slint, smashing pumpkins, smog, sofa, sonic youth, sparklehorse, sparta, squarepusher, squirrel nut zippers, steve burns, the steve miller band, stevie nicks, the strokes, sublime, the submarines, subtle, sufjan stevens, sun kil moon, sunny day real estate, sunset rubdown, swan lake, table, the talking heads, tar, taylor, techician, tekulvi, telefon telaviv, thurston moore, tight phantomz, the tindersticks, tokyo police club, tom jones, tom waits, tomahawk, tommy roe, tool, tori amos, TORNAVALANCHE, tortoise, the tossers, trans am, tricky, tristeza, tupac, tv on the radio, ugly cassanova, ulrich schnauss, unlucky atlas, unwound, uzeda, van halen, velvetron, victory at sea, villabrut, walking concert, watchers, waylon jennings, we versus the shark, weezer, white heat, wilco, william s burroughs, wolf parade, the wrens, wyclef jean, xiu xiu, yes, young widows, zwan


Jitterbug Perfume (Anything tom robbins), prozac nation, catch-22, a confederacy of dunces, bury my heart at wounded knee, high fidelity, starship troopers, grendel, anything alan moore, Anything written by Ernie Pyle, Most anything about the Second World War. Franks Wild Years, Choke


Superman, Indiana Jones, Captain America, Spiderman, Magneto, Miracleman, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Chuchill, Chesty Puller, and Steve Albini.

My Blog

This the line for the ride

I do my best to write in rollercoasters.  I take this little amount space and figure out how to put as many as twists, turns, sloops and slides in it that I can.  And I like that; ...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:54:00 PST

With my wits about me I submit.

So much time in the ground, and I'll still promise to die on the vine.  I don't get you.  I spit sickness and you don't understand.  I surrender with my liver on a stick and you gently...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:38:00 PST

An oldie but a goodie

I wrote this way back when I was 18.  I read it again today and liked it.  The Wreck of the Titan We all laid slain like something you see the papers.  We all cried inside wi...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:26:00 PST

Bruce not Batman should become comissioner

It's late, but I'm up and just thought I'd say hello.  I've been too busy to write lately, don't ask me with what as I really couldn't tell you.  There's a whole rant about juggling expectat...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:50:00 PST

Good Book News

First, came this 118 word email to the book site that I missed because I'm not great about checking the mail: Hey there--I'm the publisher of Punk Planet magazine here in Chicago. I've heard about you...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:49:00 PST

The Diary of a Dead man

You can be too honest in these things.  Yesterday morning I saw a sappy band I'd previously written off and very nearly had a "Purple Rain" moment.  I found out that my reach far extends my ...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:59:00 PST

Nothing to Write Home About

I don't write enough.  I find excuses everywhere not to write.  I often resolve to write more as I promise to do other things.  Similar to the other things, I don't follow through. ...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 11:17:00 PST

Book Feedback

Hey Wayne,       Just finished the book yesterday.  It was a quick and engaging read.  I think your voice and humor really come through.  It was easy to identif...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Sat, 13 May 2006 11:01:00 PST

ep-i-tome not e-pit-o-me

It's a funny thing, usually at this point of the night I'm at the point I need to be at to get to the point and type out my riddle.  It's 2am, and I'm not flinching.  Not even a little....
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 02:26:00 PST

Bask in my lameness

Being my own biggest fan, I've decided to release my own literary b-sides prior to the actual book release.  Much like the book, I do this for the shear therapy I derive from it.  The follow...
Posted by Wayne E. Popelka on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:52:00 PST