..I just like being interested in things. As long as it's interesting, I dont really care what it is just so long as I've got something to do. Having time to kill and no weapons is the worst scenario. Give me a sword, a staff, or just my own four limbs and I'll take care of some time...You can be shure of that! I also dabble a little with the bass from time to time...But thats another story all together. Don't even let me get into that!
..I'd like to meet lots of sick ass bassists like Les Claypool, Victor Whooten-(thats a guess on spelling), obviously Jaco Pastorius. Then there is the band OBUS, and BIG NASTY, and THE MEANTONES, and of course LUNARIUM, and MAYAVARUPA(also a guess), SLEEPERS AWAKE, and many, many moore...They kick ass! Them and Buddah! And all the hottest porn stars in the world...I love porn stars, more than porn itself, WOW!!! I'll bet frosty the snow man would be pretty cool, at least whal he's around, ya' know!!! COOL...That would be cool.
..I listen to every kind of music, sometimes against my will but I still listen to it. Even the stuff I don't like, I listen to. Mabie is a subconcious way of making shure that I dont hear stuff I dont like in my music, as long as I can recognise it I can tell which parts to dismiss. With that aside, on the rare occasion that I get to choose music, it would either be DEATH, or just some really heavy shit! Sepultura, GWAR, Pantera, Primus (by far my favorite), Suicidal Tendancies, Amon Amarth, good 311 kicks ass, Sublime, a lot of the older 70s and 80s rock, and a lot, lot more. The 60s had some pretty good shit too...I've only rescently gotten into the local scenes where very few band have touched me, and I mean VERRY FEW. I wont list any names (though I allready have) they know who they are...If you should be interested in local music then you can ask me who they are, I just dont want to forget anyone! Oh yea, I hate the radio with a passion. If they were playing my band I'm shure That I would feel differently, only my ego would then enjoy the radio, but untill my ego gets involved it'll just be a circus to me, playing the mary-go-round theme over and over and over again untill everyone is insane and no one can remember how to think for themselves.
..I like movies, movies can be cool! Especially the old Kung-Fu flicks, those are my favorite!
The only TV shows I can stand watching are The Simpsons and Family Guy. Other than that, it just drives me crazy. I do however enjoy the occasional History or Discovery Channel programing. I like real stuff (and by real I'm not reffering to the socalled "realityTV" [struggling to grasp reality], if you want to see reality, go outside). I'm talking about educational stuff, like NOVA! My only real exceptions would be the before mensioned cartoons, and of course the Red Green Show (how could I forget that). Cartoons are cool! I like cartoons! They can stay for the kids inside us all, anything funny really, but the rest have gotta go! Nothing in it but a melting will and brainwashing!
I fiend on inspiration. I only read influencial stories (an attempt to find a muse in the words), and informative books on martial arst, music, people, and events in history and present day. I think that I would otherwise just be distracting my mind for a little while untill something better comes along, something to learn from. But other than that, I really dont read that much!
My heroes would be anyone that stood for something real, something good, or even the most insignificant of things, as long as it was important enough for them to stop complaining and get off the couch and try to do something about it. Anyone that got up and did whatever they could to make a differance, even if it didnt work. We dont know their names, but they are still my heroes because they tried. We can all make differances in the world by just taking a step back and trying to understant the chaos, one piece at a time.