Spookycakes profile picture


I am holy gravy cone!!!

About Me

I'm pretty complex... multifaceted, if you will. I'm very friendly and outgoing, have a bit in common with most people I meet, and will be a loyal friend until you do something to piss me off. Then I'll probably forgive you at least twice; (I'm a pushover). I love all animals and if I catch you abusing an animal I'll slit your throat. I'm always on the lookout for a true friend. I'm way too sweet and loyal for my own good (unless I'm in traffic, then I'm a psycho hose beast with zero patience)and that usually means I end up disappointed with friendships. I only expect so much as I give, and I'm a big giver. I like to spend my time with open-minded, honest people that aren't stuck up their own asses and that aren't selfish. I don't like drama (unless it's on a stage) so if you always have JUST THE WORST POSSIBLE THING EVER happening to you, or you're always sad or mad, don't see me, see a shrink. I have no patience for self-important whiners. Call the wah-mbulance and whine to someone else. Life is what you make it, you and you alone are responsible for your own happiness. Life is shitty, (as Ms. McGowan says in "Doom Generation", 'Life is a chewy shit sandwich'),so suck it up, roll with the punches, get over it, and feed my llama while you're at it. Finally, after years of bad jobs and even worse employers, I've found a great job and I tend to have quite a bit of spare time on my hands..so I post a blog just about every day. It's more of a diary for me, and while I enjoy my friend's comments on my musings, I could care less if anyone actually reads it. I do have a life, just not while I'm at work. That's about all I care to say right now..... Don't forget to feed my llama. Which Famous Vampire are You?
You are Lestat.
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You are a Resident Evil Zombie. You were infected with the T-Virus, and now you wander through abandoned buildings looking for living flesh to munch. Sometimes you mutate into more horrible things. You can be killed, but it ain't easy.
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You are a Transylvanian!
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Create a Lava Lamp

adopt your own virtual pet!
How evil are you?
Sleeping Meerkats Must... Stay.. Awake...
Why the Ice Cream Man Was Fired This is why.
Which of the Star wars cast are you?

Obi wan kenobi
He is revealed as a Jedi Knight, who then tutors Luke Skywalker in the Jedi arts. In episodes I-III he appears as a young Jedi, progressing from apprentice to master and tutoring the young Anakin Skywalker.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
More Funny Videos & MySpace Layouts at YourSpaceNow.comYou Are Sam From "Benny & Joon."
You are very talented at physical comedy. People are in awe of your abilities. However, you have many quirks which can either win people over or completely annoy them. But you're a sweetheart through and through, and it's hard not to love you.
Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!
Angry German Gamer
Kitten moshpit Yep, it`s time for the awwwww link of the day.
MySpace Comments
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Envy: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die, but first you will turn into an evil robot. How Sinful Are You?
Bad Parking Job at Jiffy Lube Must have been a big surprise to the oil change guys down below.
You Are Marge Simpson
You're a devoted family member who loves unconditionally.
Sometimes, though, you dream about living a wild secret life!
You will be remembered for: your good cooking and evading the police
Your life philosophy: "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head." The Simpsons Personality Test
What animal would best suit your personality?
A Penguin.
You are the penguin. You take life in its stride, not letting the big issues of the world stand in your way. You like spending time with large groups of friends and you are considered a bit of a socialite jumping back and forth between different groups of friends. However, you still have time for your family and remain close to them.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice The classic music video with Christopher Walken dancing.
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Your Brain is Orange
Of all the brain types, yours is the quickest.
You are usually thinking a mile a minute, and you could be thinking about anything at all.
Your thoughts are often scattered and random - but they're also a lot of fun!
You tend to spend a lot of time reading, thinking about food, and doing interesting things.Watch it, laugh...http://../2006/07/afroninja.html
You scored as Albus Dumbledore. Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.
Albus Dumbledore


Hermione Granger


Harry Potter


Sirius Black


Draco Malfoy


Ron Weasley


Remus Lupin


Ginny Weasley


Severus Snape


Lord Voldemort

Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with QuizFarm.comSpudgy the Dog Falls Asleep
Spudgy the Dog Falls Asleep ..

My walk is:
Your walk is:
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You scored as Pinhead. You are Pinhead. You come straight from hell. Your curiosity has caused you to make some mistakes in life. But you are now more powerful than you have ever been. You enjoy pain just as much as you enjoy pleasure. Unlike most killers, you like to make sure your victims suffer for all eternity.


Freddy Krueger


Captain Spaulding


Buffalo Bill


Hannibal Lecter


Michael Myers








Jason Voorhees

Which Horror Killer are You?
created with QuizFarm.com

My Interests

I have very broad interests that range from the mundane to the extremely freaky, that include but are certainly not limited to: anything strange and unusual, freaky, or creepy, reading (anything but romance novels), movies, anything fun, all things Halloween and horror, FOOD,collecting many things, dancing, animals, football games (gotta have a hotdog), camping, Cosmo, Glamour, Fango, and National Geographic, storms, fog, and tornadoes (not necessarily in that particular order), anything dealing with art, vegging out, sleeping, shopping (big surprise), Mustangs, weekends, murder of those that have it coming, hiking, cartoons, Get Fuzzy, Fat Mouse, naps, PVC, theme parties, jokes, marine biology, morbidity, solitude, music, photography, board games, flying, roller coasters and all things that cause adrenaline rushes, haunted houses, organziation, spontaneity, Sudoku, family, friends, gravy, Cirque du Soleil, astronomy, Twisted Whiskers, Peanut Butter Jelly Time (with a baseball bat), birthdays, indulgence, Norman Love gourmet chocolates, The Far Side, rituals (nothing involving sacrifice), forensics, video games, massages, puzzles, tattoos, multi-tasking, science fiction, firearms, silver, interior design, girlie stuff, talking to anyone who is intelligent and exhibits no asshole-like tendencies, acting, gardening, cooking, vodka, cemetaries, singing... http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Layouts

In no particular order: Roy Hazlewood - FBI Profiler, Patricia Cornwell, my dead sibling, Jack the Ripper (just to find out who he was), Tyson - the skateboarding bulldog, Tom Savini, George Romero, Vincent Price (yes, I realize he's dead), Rob Zombie, Clive Barker, Stephen King, Dr. Michael Baden,

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

Other Means of Payment Do NOT be caught without your money at this toll booth.

Awesome Wedding Cake/

Kid Soaked by Ride

Talking Cats
Click Here to get this from pYzam.com!

Click Here to get this from pYzam.com!

It`s Tricky Catchy compilation


Very broad tastes, my cd collection goes from one end of the spectrum to the other, all time periods, all countries, all styles. Some worth mentioning: Led Zeppelin, Iced Earth,KISS WHICH KISS MEMBER ARE YOU?
You are PAUL STANLEY! You're sweet, passionate, a romantic, and extremely idealistic. A lot of people might think you're crazy, but who comes up with all the good ideas? That's right...you do. Everyone likes you, even though you're prone to crankiness.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeRob Zombie, Beethoven, 80s stuff, classic rock, Bella Morte, Celtic music, jazz, R&B, soul, anything I can dance to, anything but current country music, old school is fine, I grew up on that, but most of the new stuff blows, Tool, Def Leppard, Cynonyte, Vivaldi, bagpipes, Jett, Weird Al, glam rock, hard rock, metal, death metal, holy rusted sheet metal, Conway Twitty, Tori Amos, Poison (preferably with CC), Scorpions, Marilyn Manson, GWAR, SCotS, Beatles, opera, Cradle of Filth, Slipknot, Mushroom Head, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, anything that could be construed as Halloween music, Elton John, Gwen Stefani, Murderdolls, Phil Collins, Depeche Mode, Outkast, Joan Jett, Fleetwood Mac,

Thriller Thriller. .. the beats go on...


I'm a total movie head. Some of my favs: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Practical Magic", "Dracula" (Lugosi, "Braveheart", LOTR trilogy, Epi's 3, 4, 5, and 6 of "Star Wars", "Love Actually" "The Full Monty" "The Fifth Element", "The Worst Witch", "Halloween", "Shrek II", "Weird Science", "Liar Liar", "Bruce Almighty" (solely for the scene in which the newscaster is speaking gibberish), "Fried Green Tomatoes", "Kill Bill" (both volumes), "Ninja Scroll", "The Goonies", "Alien", "Aliens", "Predator II", "Spaceballs", "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "Sleepy Hollow", "Troy", "Twister", "Cloak & Dagger", "Big", "Land of the Dead", anything with Vincent Price,anything horror,

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

Which Horror Movie Are You?

The Craft
You're whole life, you've felt different. You know you're different, and that is why you break away from the norm and don't give a shit what other people think about you. You're you, you're proud, you're a bit... weird might I say? but you're far more interesting than most people will ever percieve. Keep being yourself, whether people like it or not.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Six Feet Under (RIP),

MySpace Layouts

I like a lot of tv, but I don't get much of a chance to watch it. I love old school cartoons (Scooby Doo, Voltron, Thundarr the Barbarian, Loony Tunes, He-Man and She-ra, Smurfs, Inspector Gadget, Gargoyles, Popeye, Tom & Jerry, the cool Batman, etc.), Sesame Street, Captain Kangaroo (time to get your picture pages!), Matlock, Diagnosis Murder, Columbo, Malcolm in the Middle, Knight Rider, Wonder Woman, The Incredible Hulk, The A-Team, the OLD Battlestar Gallactica (I heard the new one rocks, but I haven't had a chance to watch it), Buck Rogers, Beavis & Butthead, Batman (with Adam West), America's Funniest Home Videos (ONLY with Tom Bergeron), Addams Family, The Munsters, Monsters, Tales from the Darkside, Werewolf, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, X-Files (Duchovny please), Sex and the City (sniff), Unsolved Mysteries, Dukes of Hazzard (Wopat, Schneider, and Bach) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, New Detectives, FBI Files, Scrubs


"Phantom" by Susanne Kaye is my favorite book EVER. I also love: Clive Barker, Gori Suture, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell


My Mom, Linda 5-20-52 - 11-23-98 "Thou Art Beautiful, O, My Love" and my Dad, Ed, aka

MySpace Layouts

(here's a tip, don't piss him off), Sharon Carr,

MySpace Layouts

Dana Reeve, Jennifer Estes

My Blog


Yeah, Kung Fu rules --> START: The Greatest Martial Arts Moments -->The Greatest Martial Arts Moments Top Scenes that kicked (and punched) their way to the top. --> END: The Greatest Martial Arts Mom...
Posted by Spookycakes on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:15:00 PST

Super Duper!!!!

I am so sad to report that actor Peter Boyle has passed away.  He's best known by today's generation as the cranky father on "Everybody Loves Raymond", but I love him for his portrayal of the mon...
Posted by Spookycakes on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:51:00 PST

o m g

this is awesome Slalom Skateboard Champion -->Slalom Skateboard Champion Take that, Tony Hawk!...
Posted by Spookycakes on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:50:00 PST

idiots make me laugh

--> --> Worst Robber Ever This my friends, is how not to rob a liquor store. --> -->...
Posted by Spookycakes on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 08:24:00 PST

Back to the Future's Biff

Ha, I heard this on the radio yesterday and had to find it.  Don't bother if you haven't seen "Back to the Future"... .. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by Spookycakes on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:45:00 PST

tattoo pic

I now have a pic of my new tattoo in my photos guys and gals :)
Posted by Spookycakes on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 07:15:00 PST

A tribute to idiots

Even though I bitch about stupidity, I gotta admit, some idiots keep me laughin'... --> START: A Tribute to Idiots -->A Tribute to Idiots A video of idiots getting hurt. --> END: A Tribute to Idiots ...
Posted by Spookycakes on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:33:00 PST


Grrr..well I just typed a bit of a lengthy blog and stupid MySpace screwed up and I lost it all.  Anyway..it's Friday (squee), work is almost over, and tonight Shmoo and I are getting sushi and t...
Posted by Spookycakes on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:56:00 PST


I just realized something this morning; as I was lubricating my gams for shaving, I realized something: life is about lubrication.  It's totally about lube.  Your vehicle for insta...
Posted by Spookycakes on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 05:58:00 PST


Well I'm stuck at work, eating sunflower seeds and cranberries for lunch, because my friend forgot to call me to see if I needed a ride for lunch.  This is the third time he's forgotten about me ...
Posted by Spookycakes on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 10:39:00 PST