The REAPER.. profile picture

The REAPER.., new media player hear all your favs

About Me

I am a promoter with Harvest Reaper Promotions, looking for bands who are hungry to play, I am dedicated to Chattanooga local bands and the regional talent. Also feel free to instant message me through aim at HarvestReaperCEO, Place this banner on your myspace, copy the code below, and paste into your about me section.

My Interests

Some of my passions include weights, politics, and literature, as well as music of all kinds,

I'd like to meet:

Any lover of music and entertainment, check out,
Myspace Profile Fun


i am a music junky, so i love it all from ACDC to Sinatra, Rock 105


Love movies that are more of a cult following, but love a good mafia


FAMILY GUY, and something that lies just around the corner that you will all love too.


Frankenstein, In the Lake of the Woods, more into poetry


Thoreau,D.H. Lawerence, and Arnold, Thomas Jefferson

My Blog

Just a litte something for ya

I have got your numerous emails asking for some updates on what the hell is going on around the Chattanooga area, so here we go.Turkey Day come downHope everyone had a blast with their families this p...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:11:00 PST

Holiday Hell

I don't know what its about the holiday season, but i am not a fan. Go ahead and call me a scrooge or a grinch, but i think its just a bit too much for me. Blame it upon the fact that I come from a ...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 05:02:00 PST

Uninspired motivation

So for those of you who are interested life currently is on a fresh kick, I am back in the real estate game and that is definitely starting to take off, Harvest Reaper had a win fall with Halloween H...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:07:00 PST

Halloween, Now you have plans

Wednesday October 31st at Midtown Music Hall, the be all tell all Halloween event of the year, if you missed last year don't be the only one in town who missed it two years in a row. Harvest Reaper's ...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:58:00 PST

My Birthday party for the masses

Ladies and GentsTomorrow night is yours truly's Bday celebration, I promise to be in rare form to say the least, with friends and family, I hope not to make too much of an ass of myself. Crank Sanatr...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:39:00 PST

Monday Night with me and Mote and many more

So similar to what I was just saying yes the Mondays are also still on Mote and the usual suspects are still there every Monday with the dollar beers and all the fun you can take for the beginning of ...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:13:00 PST

Interesting maybe

So here's a rundown for ya Mondays at Midtown we have just launched the Mote and friends Monday's with dollar beer . Large majority of the artists in the Chattanooga area all coming down and relaxing...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 03:29:00 PST

Another one of those personal blogs

Well ladies and gents Here's a little catch up on my life, I am trying to find my center again in life. I have started eating healthy again to trim up and increase my overall well being, and have sta...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:34:00 PST

Ryan's Top ten quotes

10. I shouldn't speak that way in front of a lady let me know when one gets here 9. so what I like my women healthy 8. Did I stutter? 7. This isn't rocket surgery (props to E) 6. I see that word...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Fri, 25 May 2007 03:58:00 PST

Here we go.......

A memoir into my life, I feel the warmth of the season starting to creep in, and I love it. So professionally things are going great, Harvest Reaper hosts the Thursday night Throw down at Midtown eve...
Posted by The REAPER.. on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:51:00 PST