Brief blurb about myself, my greatest hobby is playing guitar. I started out playing bass in high school and continued to do so until about my mid 20's. Then life took over. A few years ago I picked up a guitar magazine and decided that was something I had been missing for quite a long time, and wallah! Ever since then its very hard for me to put down a guitar.
Well, I wrote that about almost a year ago. About 4 months ago I injured my arm to where i cannot even fret a guitar. I cant even play one but for a few minutes before excruciating pain sets in. So for now, my guitar playing days are over. What is interesting though is that it does not hurt me in the slightest to drum. So what the heck, onward to making loud obnoxious noise! (Which hopefully translates into music...)
My musical tastes range quite a bit. From the Hair band madness of the 80's, to just low down and dirty blues. From that crazy rockabilly to blistering speed metal. However, you may scratch off anything in the hip hop, boy/girl band teeny bopper craptacular genre. I tolerate very little country. Learn to write your own music instead of relying on the music industry to do it for you is my motto.Please, dont get me started on a rant about the state of the industry and the force fed junk that is thrown at us. And they cant figure out why record sales are down.....In this case, maybe a rocket scientist IS required....
My new "toy". My kit will have a few more crashes ect etc, but this is the Basic shell kit. Its a Tama Superstar SK Hyper-Drive. I just cannot wait to tick off the wife with this baby! :) The new kit will not arrive until the end of February.