climbing trees, listening to music, trying to play the guitar, cooking such things as eggplant, fish sticks and rice-a-roni, spam for breakfast with eggs and rice with some sharp white cheese on top, spaghetti, salmon, pizza, turkey swiss and avacao sandwiches, tuna melts, grilled cheese, spam misubi, lasagne, etc... I also like to eat sushi more than I enjoy life itself... however I cannot make decent sushi and would rather keep it that way.. because the mystification of it makes it taste better... also the fact that it is expensive at most places (not counting in pacifica on skyline or 14th and church in SF)
humans and other various farm animals as well as pharmacutical reps...
Bands and Hip Hop and Hip Hop Bands and BLOC PARTY
used to be quite a movie snob, watching all those movies that so called hipster watch and then finding ones that I feel are obscure and lesser known (I am sure you can compile a list of what I mean by this), but now i am slowly recovering and finding some good romantic comedies...
I watch TV, yes... It is educations as well as not and there is value in the good AND bad. Either way, we have a remote and are lucky enough to have more choices that other countries. Books are important, yes, but there is value in all types of media no matter how controlled people say that it is...
Books that make me sound like I am cool and smart and artsy and hip and funny and clever and sexy and interesting... andTo list would be like filling my shelf with "cool" books for show. I am an asshole, hate me.Here is my list:-Books -Magazines -Newspapers
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !