[-E-]lektraum∆ profile picture


If You Want Peace,prepare for War

About Me


..This is not necessary an autobiography but who cares? If you need a loyal friend, good times, forgive your boyfriend (sic), just ask for!Can I say a few words about me? Just I'm outgoing,friendly( see my pics, just makes sense!),smart like a dolphin and I love Music.Elektro to The Core!- Favorite Wines - Jaggermeister Buchanan's JB Jack Daniel's Blue Sky Absolute Vodka Smirnoff Wiborowa BayleysStrange drinks ,please,find me soon!Continue...Hail to all my comrades:Martin,Eris,Isis,Mg-2,John,Pukko,Rebellion,Alba,Bra ndon,Grillo and all the people around of me.I Salute You!Fuck to my enemies!!!Fuck The Stereotypes,Fuck The Racism,Fuck The Fascism,Fuck The Animal's Violence, Fuck The Boring-Gossips.Fuck All The Systems!!!!Be free to add me as a Online-Friend in this matrix.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Music Mg Army Machines Computers Softwares War History Cyberpunk Philosophy FSP Videogames Military Stuff Alcohol Travelling Languages Sex Androgyny Art Artificial Intelligence Clubs Militar Uniforms Comedy Industrial Culture Dancing Existentialism Fantasy Futurism Gas Mask Goggles Iced Coffee Innovation Romanticism Surrealism<

I'd like to meet:

Mi idea del amor ideal es la de aquella mujer que tuviera un alma tan pura que forzara al Diablo a venir por ella , en persona.


2XM 16 Volt 32 Crash 8KHZMono A7IE Absolute Body Control Absurd Minds Accesory Acylum Adam Aesthetic Perfection Agonoize Aghast View Alice In Videoland Alien Vampires Alien Produkt All for One Allden Tyrell Allied Vision Amateur God Ambassador 21 Amduscia Analogue Brain Anders Manga Angel Theory Angels and Agony Animassacre Amnistia And One Angelspit Anything Box Anenzephalia Apoptygma Berzerk Armageddon Dildos Ashbury Heights Assemblege 23 Asphixia Asphixiation Death Aslan Faction Ayria Axiome B!Machine Backlash Bakterielle Infekktion Blame Blank Battery Cage Beati Mortui Beborn Beton Birmingham 6 Birds Refuse to Fly BlutEngel Bruderschaft Boytronic Camouflage Capsize Carphax Files Celluloide Cenobita Celdweller Centhron Chiasm Cesium 137 Cephalgy Cocteau Twins Code 64 Colony 5 Combichrist Control System Control Collapsed Culture Kult?r Clan of Xymox Client Cosmicity Covenant Cue to Recall Cyanotic Cyborg Attack Davantage Das Ich Dawn of Ashes De/Vision Deadjump Deadtronic Decoded Feedback Deine Lakaien Depeche Mode Derma Tek Destroid Deadstar Assembly Die Braut Die Form Die Sektor Der Prager Handgriff Diffuzion Din[A]Tod Digital Factor Diorama Dioxide Dismantled Distatix Diary of Dreams Disfuncion Organica Distain! Diskonekkted Distorted Memory Distorted Reality Dulce Liquido Dunkelwerk DYM E-Craft Econic Echo Image Edge of Dawn Eisenfunk Electra Kill Elegant Machinery Empusa Endanger Equatronic ESC Espermachine Esplendor Geometrico Estatuas de Sol Evil Toys Experiment Haywire F.O.D. FabrikC Faderhead Fantazja Feindflug FGFC820 Fektion Fekler Fiction 8 Flesh Field Formula Redux Foretaste Freezepop Front 242 Frozen Plasma Front Line Assembly Funker Vogt Future Trail Fuze Box Machine Garden of Delight GASR Genitorturers Genocide Organ Glis God Module Grendel Gridlock Guerre Froide HHH Haus Arafna Heimataerde Heliosphere Helium Vola Hioctan Hocico Hot Rain Hypnoskull IC434 I,Synthesist Icon of Coil Imperative Reaction Illion Conflict Illusion of Light Implant In Strict Confidence Infekktion Infernosounds Information Society Inminent Starvation Insekt Interface Intuition Invisible Limits Ionic Vision IWR Juno Reactor KiEw Klausthrophobik Klinik Kloq Klutae KMFDM Lamia L.?me Immortelle Larva Lavantgarde Les Anges de La Nuit Lowe Lights of Euphoria LeatherStrip Life Cried Lola Angst Lost Signal Manufactura Marsheaux Matrix Massive In Mench Mechanical Moth Megadump Melotron Mesh Menticide Michigan Midnight Resistance Mind.In.A.Box. Militant Cheerleaders on The Move Mind:State Minerve Modulate Moenia Monofader More Machine Than Man Muscle and Hate MZ412 Nachtmahr Namnambulu Nature Destroyed Negative Format Nekro Facility Neon Judgement Neuroactive Neuroticfish Nevarakka Nitzer Ebb Noise Unit Nonpoptale Northborne November Process Noisuf-X Noyce TM Null Device Nurzery[Rhymes]Obscenity Trial Ogo Onirismo Automata OBK Obszoen Geschopf Orange Sector O.V.N.I. Painbastard Panzertank Panzer AG Pearls of Dew Plastic Noise Experience PreEmptive Strike 0.1 Pride and Fall Proceed Proyecto Crisis Project-X Provision Psy'Aviah Psyclon Nine Pulcher Femina Punto Omega Pzychobitch Rabia Sorda Raindancer Razed In Black Reaper Regenerator Red Flag Red Sniper Re:/Legion Rename Retractor Robotiko Rejekto Rotersand Run Level Zero S.A.M. Santa Hates You Sarah Noxx Scandy Schallfaktor Spektralized Seabound Seelenkrank Sero.Overdose Severe Illusion SITD Silica Gel Skinny Puppy SINA S.P.O.C.K. Spineflesh Skoyz Solitary Experiments Soman Schnarph! Schattenschlag Sonictune Seize Spetsnaz Staubkind State of The Union Steril Steinkind Stereomotion Straftanz Stromkern Stochastic Theory Stray Suicide Commando Suicidal Romance Syrian Supreme Court Synascape Synth-Ethik Syntec System 22 System Syn Tau Factor Tactical Sekt Tamtrum Technoir Terminal Choice Terrorfakt The Azoic The Birthday Massacre The Echoing Green The Dreamside The Dust of Basement The Frozen Autumn Thermostatic Third Realm The Retrosic Totakeke Trisomie 21 Tristesse de La Lune Tumor TurnbullA.c.s. Trummerwelten Tyske Ludder Uberbyte Ultraviolence Universal Poplab UnterArt Unter Null V2A Velvet Acid Christ Vicious Alliance Vigilante Virtual Embrace Virgins O.R. Pigeons Virtual Space Industrial Virtual Server Void Kampf VNV Nation Yendri Yelworc Welle:Erdball Wynardtage Winterkalte Winterstahl Wumpscut XMH Xanopticon Xebox Xentrifuge Xotox Xp8 [X]r-X Xyn Zauber Zeromancer Z Prochek Zoviet France


Requiem for a Dream Trainspotting Matrix,Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions Visitor Q Ichi The Killer Full Metal Yakuza Dead or Alive I,II,III. Robocop Tron Blade Runner I Robot Azumi Izo Alucarda Minority Report Vanilla Sky Evil Dead I Hard Candy Sin City Iron Man Hero Battle Royal I,II School of Rock


Tytus,WWE,24,Prison Break,ReGenesis,The Unit,Nip Tuck,Transformers etc.


"Neuromante" by William Gibson,"Blood Electric" by Kenji Siratori,C. Bukowski,"Interview with The Vampire" by Anne Rice etc.


Mom,Dad,some friends who let me know them,Kenji Siratori,Charles Bukowski,All the people involving in the Music World (elektro World) and maybe , me in the future.

My Blog

This is the reason :Why I Love Ucranian chicks/ Por què amo a las Ucranianas!

Check this out Dudes!...
Posted by [-E-]lektraum on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 06:56:00 PST