According to experts, my personality type is :
Adult Film Star
Other people like me display these traits.
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I'll try anything twice.
Those who aren't afraid to challenge me and be challenged right back.
Yes, please...
The Three Faces of Eve. The Breakfast Club. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Bend it Like Beckem. The Princess Bride. Donnie Darko. Secretary. Amantes del Circulo Polar. El Dia de la Bestia. La Buena Estrella. Manolito Gafotas. Abre los Ojos. Der Krieger und die Kaiserin. It's All About Love. The Squid and the Whale. Office Space. Old School. The Lost Boys.- This list may expand if prompted. (Fine you nay-sayers...Juno and Walk the Line are bumped, they did have some problems in their construction.)
I've grown up on television, literally...I don't think I can kick it at this point.
The Ascent of Babel, Paradise Lost, Letters to a Young Poet, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The Wizard of OZ, Ariel, Dune, The Ender's Game Series (particularly "Ender's Game" and "Speaker for the Dead"), The Giver, Harry Potter (currently in the process of reading #7), The Divine Comedy, The Bible, Howl, Autobiography in Red, Green Eggs and Ham.
Milton, Dali, Escher, Bosch, Ginsberg, Garcia Lorca, Ionesco, Rilke, Nostradamus, Cleopatra, Shakespeare, Salman Rushdie, Plath, Marianne Moore, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, William Carlos Williams, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound (for his poetry ONLY, not his politics), Robinson Jeffers, e.e. Cummings, Louise Bogan, Eleanor Wilnor, Lorine Niedecker, Nelson Algren, Theodore Roethke, Pablo Picasso, Peter Paul Reubens, Jane Addams, Helen Keller, Buddy Holly, Billie Holiday, T.S. Elliott, Emily Dickinson, Patsy Cline...almost anyone who took a chance to do what they love. Also as my mentors - My parents, Mike Mahany & Peg Zerega, Nurse Nelson, Rives Collins, Les Hendrickx (I'm sure I spelled that wrong...I'm sorry Les - my spelling hasn't improved with time), Mary Kinzie, Reginald Gibbons, Chris Wiman, Suzanne Frenz, and MJ Robinson....the list is completely random...sorry...