Imgs tell more than 1000 words...
Actual interests:
I don't have a real idol.
I think those people supposed to be met by me...
Well, ummm thinking twice, It'd be nice to meet:
Comments here!!!
My today fave genres: Elektro, EBM, Rock, Punk, Gothic, Metal, Indie, Alt Rock...
What I'm listening on my car:
My Top 10 Ipod playlist:
I can't tell ya all my fave's cuz there's a lot of kewl ones out there!
My recently likes:
My dates with TV are to watch:
Aura (Carlos Fuentes), El juguete rabioso (Roberto Arlt), Lolita, (Nabokov), Las hortensias (Felisberto Hdez), Rayuela (Jorge Luis Borges), Great Expectations (Charles Dickens), Justine and 120 in Sodoma (Sade), Alice in Wonderland, Alicia a través del espejo, All the tales bout Oz from L Frank Baum, etc...