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Le Redoutable

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a lion - no, not that sexy sleek lion of popular imagination that you're thinking of - but the real one. The fat lazy one that sits around and occasionlly gets up to steal someone's food. Ok, fine I'm also the sexy, sleek lion.
Je suis le ténébreux, - le veuf, - l'inconsolé, Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la tour abolie: Ma seule étoile est morte, - et mon luth constellé Porte le soleil noir de la Mélancolie.

Eadem mutata resurgo ("I arise again the same though changed")
My major goal in life is to become the world's most powerful beautician.
Love to travel then return home and see it differently. Love to breathe, touch, make love to and suck up life. I always wanted to live close to the beating heart of existence, now I'm more cynical about any romaticized view of life but still feel driven by obsession and impulsiveness to pluck experiences and gather them into my sidebag.
Just love this poem as well so gonna post it:
You the beloved
lost in advance, you the never arrived,
I don't know what songs you like most.
No longer, when the future crests toward the present,
do I try to discern you. All the great
images in me - the landscape experienced far off,
cities and towers and bridges and un-
suspected turns in the path
and the forcefulness of those lands
once intertwined with gods:
all mount up in me to signify
you, who forever eludes.
Ah, you are the gardens!
With such hope I
watched them! An open window
in the country house -, and you almost
stepped out pensively to meet me. I found streets, -
you had just walked down them,
and sometimes in the merchants' shops the mirrors
were still reeling from you and gave back with a start
my too-sudden image. - Who knows if the same
bird did not ring through both of us
yesterday, alone, at evening?
Rainer Maria Rilke, written in Paris around 1913, from Uncollected Poems
1996 (Translation from the German by Edward Snow)

My Interests

Peeing in the woods, running around shouting at people while naked, exploring new cities at night, love, hate, djing, vinyl, late 19th century french symbolist poetry, poetry in general, anthropology, philosophy, hip hop, arabic, north africa, algeria, l'algerie, languages, modern and postmodern art and poetry, other people, being at peace, seeing other people improve and be happy,traveling, ch-ch-ch-changes!

I'd like to meet:

I'm feeling more positive today so:
I'd like to meet people who love others and love life. People who recognize that there are important injustices in the world which extend into a sense of pain and suffering beyond our (probable) experiences as lucky Americans and who thus feel a responsibility to combat them.
Second - People I don't want to meet:
A - People who think talking in a fake english accent is cool.
B - Women who had an abusive father or male figure early on in life and so can't feel loved unless they're being abused.
C - People who assume fake identites or latch on to lame- ass counter culture movements in order to cover for their lack of personal character.
D - Anyone who is so ideologically liberal or conservative that they can't discuss important issues without spewing platitudes like so much vomit.
Other than that I'd like to meet:
Those who want to break the bones of words in order to suck the marrow of meaning (Rabelais). Those who seek to find truth in life and beauty in experience. People who want to actually do positive things in the world and not just amass social capital to feed their lopsided ego.


The Blow; Low; Lucky Dragons; MF Doom; Atmosphere; The Moldy Peaches; Erik Satie; Benabar; Sufjan Stevens; Janis Joplin; Dilated Peoples; Philip Glass; Elliott Smith; Leonard Cohen; Cat Power; Immortal Technique; hieroglyphics; Solvent; pj harvey; the pixies; miles davis; madlib; portishead; the roots; talib kweli; de la soul; a tribe called quest; etc. etc.


Yojimbo; The Big Sleep; The American Astronaut; The Third Man; Alexandria Why; La Bataille d'Alger; Cite des enfants perdus; Fargo; Dawn of the Dead; Kirikou and the Sorceress; Trainspotting; Lawrence of Arabia; The Good the Bad and the Ugly; Equilibrium; The Qatsi Trilogy.


L'Amant; Down and Out in Paris and London; My Side of the Mountain; The Phantom Tollbooth; The Prince; Crime and Punishment; stuff by, Verlaine; Rimbaud; Rainer Maria Rilke; Clifford Geertz; Camus; Virginia Woolf; Sartre; Baudelaire; Flaubert; Lord Byron; etc. etc.


Henri Alleg, Ralph Nader, Edgar Allan Poe, Muhammad Boudiaf, George Orwell

My Blog

My Familiar Dream

Je fais souvent ce rêve étrange et pénétrant D'une femme inconnue, et que j'aime, et qui m'aime, Et qui n'est, chaque fois, ni tout à fait la même Ni tout à fait une autre, et m'aime et me comprend. C...
Posted by Le Redoutable on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 07:07:00 PST

Rimbaud - A dream for winter

Rêvé pour lHiver   Lhiver, nous irons dans un petit wagon roseAvec des coussins bleus.Nous serons bien. Un nid de baisers fous reposeDans chaque coin moelleux.Tu fermeras lSil, pour ne poin...
Posted by Le Redoutable on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 03:00:00 PST