Hank Braxtan profile picture

Hank Braxtan

"The second most powerful man in Hollywood!"

About Me

I grew up in Grand Junction, Colorado and joined the US Army right out of high school. Filmmaking has always been a hobby of mine, as I made "movies" throughout my childhood and into my time in the military. Although working professionally, I still like to make goofy shorts and other random nonsense that I post on my website www.braxtanfilm.com.

In addition to Film, I love to play hockey. That's about all I have to say about that...

My Interests

Air, food, shelter, water

I'd like to meet:



Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, AC/DC, Pink Floyd. Also a big fan of cheesy 80's music. I won't fill this space since you probably won't read it anyway!


Ghostbusters, Predator, The Goonies, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Big Lebowski, Baseketball, Orgazmo, Dawn of the Dead, The Terminator, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Kids in the Hall: Braincandy, Army of Darkness, Zoolander, Saving Private Ryan, and of course all of my movies are pretty sweet.


If it doesn't involve the NHL, I probably won't watch it.


Textbooks and manuals. Print is dead.


Bill Murray, Bruce Campbell, John C. Mcginley, Joe Sakic, Sam Raimi, Chuck Norris, and the Ninja Turtles.

My Blog

"Return of the Ghostbusters" ONLINE NOW!

Well gang, it's been over two years since the start of production, and the film is finally available online.  To view it, go here:www.returnoftheghostbusters.comSimple, eh?Thanks to the cast and ...
Posted by Hank Braxtan on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:55:00 PST