Angel profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i'm sporty but girly, tough as rocks but sweet as caramel, intelligent but goofy, sexy but naive, petite but confident, easy to hang out with but hard to tie down, open-minded but still traditional, creative kinda neat freak, romantic but not clingy, talkative but always willing to listen, optimistic but self-critical, book-loving dancer, friendly but detached, adventurous in life but practical too, lucky lucky lucky but i don't rely on luck, i put action in getting my goals, thrill-seeker but only goes for natural highs, independent but loves getting attention from loved ones, dog-lover but i don't have a dog right now, surprisingly good cook but i'm not a big eater, massage freak but i prefer giving rather than receiving, organized but slightly forgetful, easily distracted but once i focus, I FOCUS, best travel buddy (no buts, i really am)..*

My Interests

traveling, dancing, swimming, doggies, fashion, history, pc games, dvd series, cooking (especially breakfast.. heehee), eating what was previously cooked, interior designing (oh really now.. it's just all about my room..), singing in the shower, playing pranks, rooftop views, anything that has to do with nature, exploring places that i haven't been to yet, bargain shopping, trying new food and experiences, being dared that i can't do something, painting, arts and crafts, museums, theater, closing my eyes to a really good song, zoos or wildlife preserves, biking, ice skating, climbing, running, reading, playing the piano, meeting people, walking the dog, did i say shopping? haha.. and more..*my latest craving though is to go SWIMMING.. anyone got a pool or know a good beach around??? i am DYING to swim some laps.. puh-leese contact me if anybody you know is going swimming.. i will be there in a hearbeat and in my swim gear too!!! haha..*

I'd like to meet:

the person who came up with the idea to create downloadable songs into your i-pod.. someone who has been to more than 5 countries worldwide (the more, the better).. i like travel stories.. anyone who has a dog.. just because i like people who like dogs.. the people behind hilarious commercials on tv.. hey, if they can come up with that stuff.. i figure they're not half-bad.. veterinarians.. (okay, we got it, you like animals.. haha..) anyone who has a government job.. what?! yeah, it's cool to work for the government.. i say so. people who have a creative streak in their lives.. artsy boys and girls rule! dancers.. i can so relate to these people.. my FIRST LOVE is dancing.. any person who is in a field that i am totally clueless about.. if ignorance is bliss.. then i am ecstatic when i learn about something out of my box.. i have a fascination with new things.. it's exciting to tinker around and probe and learn as much as possible about this new object.. when it comes to humans, i like brutally honest people! i love the cruel beauty of such honesty and the bravery to put it out there and watch people unravel with emotions from a simple statement.. then again, when you say something honest.. it should be with a GOOD intention and not merely to hurt or belittle anyone.. there is a thin line between being honest and being an *ssh*l* or a b*tch.. i can't stand it when people intentionally hurt other people.. but people with a fun sense of humor are the best! laughter makes everything better.. i would attest to that until my last breath of laughter on earth.. however, i can't decide if i like shy people or if i prefer outgoing people.. i appreciate both kinds for their own special traits.. with outgoing people, i can kick back and enjoy the ride since they surely take the driver's seat and lead you into animated conversations and amusing antics.. then with shy people, i am also drawn to their introversion.. i have to step up and make the moves.. i want to draw them out of their shells and feel safe with me.. i kinda like the fact that they warm up to you slowly but surely.. it seems more genuine than being a fireball at first meeting.. because fireballs fade out sooner or later.. but slow steady flames last the longest.. i know, i know.. they may not be warmer than fireballs.. but i always get the feeling that they're just dying to explode from keeping all those perfectly normal human feelings on the inside.. it's an exciting tension.. another trait that is appealing to me is open-mindedness.. you know, just before you "grow up" and mature.. you're more receptive, you're more "open" to things.. then comes that time when people reach a point in their lives when they just close up to avoid getting hurt. open-mindedness does not just apply to ideas and acceptance of others.. it also applies to keeping the door open for good people to be a part of your life.. of course, it's easy for me to say that.. i am a naturally trusting person. sometimes i think i belong to the .1% of the population. haha.. welcome to my random thoughts on people..*View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


this is just as eclectic as the rest of me.. rock, oldies, pop, hiphop, rnb, jazz, soundtracks, musicals, latin and more.. when i listen to music, i take out my mood remote and pick the playlist that suits my mood best.. majority of the time, i'm dancing around to my "fun list" (hiphop, pop, dance, etc).. then when i feel stressed, frustrated or pissed off, i gotta go with my "mad hat list" (rock, alternative, punk, etc).. when i wanna just chill, relax.. i go with my "daydreamer list" (reggae, oldies, soft rock, rnb, etc).. then on that RARE occasion when my heart is beating just a little faster than usual for somebody.. it's definitely on my "romance me list".. this pretty much has a variety of songs that i just find.. uh.. sweet.*


i love epic movies, comedy is great, romantic comedy is even better, action and suspense are fun, horror is fantastic, and i suppose i rarely go for the very dramatic movies unless it's worth the cry..*last movie i watched: Harold and Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Baynote to self: people who laugh like it's the last day on earth are awesome. freakin' awesome. hahaha..


i'm such a kid when it comes to tv! i love all the cartoon channels.. nick, cartoon network.. and disney! but i also watch mtv, movie channels.. yadda yadda.. as for my dorky dark side.. there's discovery channel, history channel and animal planet.. can you spell n-e-r-d?? hehe.. but i bet yah i can make science sound interesting. or whatever else topic yah might have in mind.. am i obviously a talkative person or what???*


i adore books. and i have nothing to add to that. except maybe that i worship bookstores. hehehe.. books and chocolate are my heaven. oh man.. i always have something to add.. hehe.. so i lied. shoot me.*by the way, a borders bookstore is opening nearby. don't call me at home anymore, people.. call me there. seriously.. that's where i'll be. please do not visit me.. but you may call for emergencies.. hehe..*


my family and friends..

My Blog

What the...?

I can't sleep! Aaaaaahhhh.... Somebody shut my brain up!!!
Posted by Angel on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:50:00 PST

Say It Again

No need to translate, 'cause my eyes give me away, Even though my lips don't say.. This should be so easy, But my head gets in the way, All the things that I want to tell you. You're the most perfect ...
Posted by Angel on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:48:00 PST


Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got.
Posted by Angel on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 11:06:00 PST


People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway.If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false fr...
Posted by Angel on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:50:00 PST

Wrong Person

We are all seeking that special person who is right for us. But if you've been through enough relationships, you begin to suspect there's no right person, just different flavors of wrong. Why is this?...
Posted by Angel on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:49:00 PST