Playing music, enjoying life the way everyone should, never regreting or looking back, taking what's yours and then totally demolishing it in a fire of rage, doing huge burnouts for my friends, Gotta love it! Kickin' it w/my friends every night, getting tattoo's (hopefully more), sleeping on the couch, girls, girls, girls, by the way did i mention girls. thats about it really... it's my life and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.
Your mom... i'm great with moms! I would also like to meet the creator of "Family Guy" just so i could shake his hand... that show gives me a boner
Too many to name, mostly streetpunk or hardcore.
Slow Motion Riot
Lets see... The Believer, Super Troopers, Clockwork Orange, Stewie (the movie), Enemy at the gates, Star Wars (all of them) Dude where's my car, Grandma's Boy, nothing with stalone or keanu reeves because they both suck... lots more when i get a brain fart....... nope still no brain fart.
i watch way too much of it to be talking about it on here.
I don't read much. Not that i don't know how... I just choose not to. unless it's your moms diary, but then we all know she talks about me in there constantly so hell, whats the point really.
My Friends!