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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello, my name is Colin, Give Peace a chance, Live for Rock and Roll, and Life its self. Those who know me will probably say that I am a very Tall, Hip, Humble, very Down to Earth cool kid from the Mid - West. I am a cool guy to get along with, pretty laid back, If a person were to have a problem with me, Well they would have to be a huge Asshole and I am pretty sure they must hate life. Though you are out there, You are what, You are. . . forshure! I enjoy beating on loud tubs and trash can lids, or playing around on the Mandolin.Music makes me sane, happy, feeling good about everything, Making it, Recording, Mixing it, Watching it being preformed or just listening to detail. I have the coolest job in the world, I am an Audio Engineer, capturing a vibration of air molecules with a transducer and turning them into electric signals going through a crazy signal chain. In my Life it's all about Signal Flow.I get the joy of feeling like a kid drawing a picture. You give a kid crayons, and it starts with one line. Then another. Then a bit of color. Next thing you know, you have yourself a picture. I spend most of my time on the road meeting anyone and everyone that has a heart to love and a good story to tell. Bands especially have the good stories.My Personality is probably one of a kind. A goal in life is to Engineer beautiful music, for a Sad world and so far so good. Music is the emotion captured at the end of a good day. In the most real of all things, You should just be able to Just do what you want to, Don't do what you see. You can only stand up for what you believe, So don’t be blinded by the power of money and greed of today's society.So If you have read this far I guess I should jot down some Random facts about myself.if a Homeless human being walks up too me and ask'ed for food money or for whatever, I would personally walk them to the nearest jukejoint in town and spend a $5 bill without a care because if you give em' your money they would have the opportunity to but themselves bad things. and of course. it is me being the kind person that I am, I love to generate good Karma. I am all about good Vibes and good times. I love Thunderstorms in the evening and thunderstorms in the summer time. I like outside fun, in the sun whenever I can wether it be Live Sound at Music Festies, Camping, Wakeboarding, Frisbee, football, Soccer. Traveling the Country exploring different culture.I'll get lost in the stars of space, Wondering what my life is like in a Parallel Universe, Thinking about Quantum Physics, Maybe I sound crazy?, or call me a Dork but I like expanding the mind and knowledge by reading a lot of good books.I love Vietnamese and Chinese cuisine. My favorite color is blue, so that is why you might catch me looking at the sky.I absolutely love Sex. who doesn't? in the park, the bedroom, at night, in the morning, whatever and where ever, it is only human nature at it's best. The Object is to live life and Stay happy. sad to say but I have never had a "Real" girlfriend, I have just dated or have made a few connections and learned a few lesson's here and there, nothing serious. I had learned a lesson that I am still young, and there is a whole life to be lived.It's Life and Life only, I just want to live life as good as I can, as long as I can while staying out of the Deep end of things. I'm Not a fan of the Drama scene, Although I enjoy watching an occasional Bar Stool Fight unfold. I just think It's better to tell people to stay Humble, Be Friendly to your neighbor and never be a Terd Bucket to your neighbor. You never know when you might have to call upon this person for help. Treat them as you would like to be treated with respect in return so that maybe JUST maybe. . . the World could find Peace someday. always enjoying new faces, music. Peace, Love and Happiness to you and every body you love. ..
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well first off I Observe and things happen, because If I don't, They don't happen. But what if we could use super position with the world being potential steams of reality?. Until we choose. . . Hero's can choose what they want. Being in many places at once, experiencing many possibilities all at once, and they collapse all into one. But the question is, how far down the rabbit hole do you really wanna go?I'd like too meet the Dali Lama and Big foot, or maybe just highly addictive personalities, of course everyone is different on the outside, We all have amazing smiles of love, Interested to be more than the mind can handle. Well then, I would like to meet the people who have appreciation for life and love. Someone who wants to experience new things/people/places... genuine, humble and down to earth are all great characteristics. Having a desire to succeed and grow as an individual is key. Also, its important to have a passion of apprishiation for family, friends,.Musicians, Recording Engineers, Producers, Studio Managers.... The down to earth, Good time people who have Peace, Love, Happiness and Love Music definately my kind of people. . .Someday maybe 5, 8 who knows 10 years down the road I'll start too search for a heart of gold. She's a sweet soul and spirit, has Talent passionate about life, goals, music, education. down to earth easy living and most of all, Lord Baby please be drama free!, know how to have fun, and also know when to be serious... Loves to travel maybe know a little about the music business or play a instrument or two. she could even have an amazingly beautiful singing voice for me to love and listen. Fo Sho a Hard hard, one of a kind find.

My Blog

Gear Inventory

Gear List  Computer/Recording Platform: -Macbook    *4GB RAM    *160 GB Hard Drive - Drobo 1TB SATA Hard Drive  w/ 350G SATA backup drive -Pro Tools 8 - Logic Pro 9  Console/Interface: -Mi...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Aug 2009 22:12:00 GMT

Recording with Spirits.

My friend wrote good news. Hey strangers and friends. Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that, yes, we are still getting prepped to record our debut full-length album. Been writing new tunes,...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:15:00 GMT

This is what we do.

The world of live entertainment has a reputation for glamour and excitement, and many people dream of becoming a famous singer, dancer, actor, or musician. However, live entertainment provides other j...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 20:55:00 GMT