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The Jesus Videos

This guys talking about what he wants for Christmas

About Me

.. src="" type="text/javascript" .. .. type="text/javascript" _uacct = "UA-513518-3"; urchinTracker(); ..Vintage21 had a four week series on Jesus Christ, taking a deeper look at what He said and did. It was difficult at times to get past our preconceived notions that had been developed by staunch, starched Sunday School classes of old. This is a satirical look at what some people think Jesus is like. Thank goodness He's not.The Vintage21 Jesus Videos can be found at Click on the icon of the old movie projector, choose "videos", and go to page 2 to view the videos.

My Interests

Sitting with my stick enjoying the sun...shine, spending all of my free time in church, laughing at how dumb the devil is, smiling and acting happy, wearing a stylish beard, burning footballs, conniving the Pharisees out of their money, telling everyone what they've done wrong since I last saw them, saying clever things like "pay the piper"


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