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Here we go...

About Me

christin, coffee, beer, truck, Jesus, soon: baby

My Interests

Jesus, christin, molly corin, music, coffee, beer, truck

I'd like to meet:

smitty, dressed like a nun, running an orphanage of chimps

My Comment Box
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R.E.M. stands alone. Others,alphabetically: Arcade Fire, Beach Boys, Beatles, Black Eyed Sceva, Johnny Cash, Creeper Lagoon, Crooked Fingers, Patty Griffin, Guster, Buddy Holly, Hotel Lights, Iron and Wine, Kite Flying Society, Ray LaMontagne, Luna, Nola, Otis Redding, Roman Candle, Rocket From The Crypt, Mike Roy, Robbie Seay, The Sheila Divine, The Shins, Sufjan Stevens, SDRE, M. Ward, Wilco, Stevie Wonder


Wes Anderson flicks, Marky & Shortpants, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Raising Arizona, Amelie, Good Will Hunting, Moonlight Mile


Arrested Development, The Office (BBC and US), The Simpsons (seasons 4-6), Strangers with Candy, Get a Life, Scrubs


of all time: The Bible, The Brothers K-Duncan, The River Why-Duncan, Ficciones-Borges, One Hundred Years of Solitude-Marquez, The Outsiders-Hinton, LOTR and Lost Tales-Tolkien ...past six months: Killer Angels-Shaara, Here, There, and Everywhere-Geoff Emerick, Johnny Cash-The Autobiography- Streissguth, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them-Franken


Jesus, G.O.B. Bluth