first things first: Krusty "White Shoes" Johnson. check out his handsome mug in my profile pics. don't jerk my chain b/c i'll talk about him forever.bass playing is on the rise. i've been playing a while, but have started to do so with more regularity.disc golf seems to be fading, which is kind of sad b/c i love it so much ( PDGA 17987 ). it's still of huge interest to me, just not as much as a couple years ago. if i hadn't chosen "KRUST" as my licence plate, it was gonna be "GLU17987" (couldn't believe it was available). so going by the "Vanity Plate Rule", disc golf should be 2nd on this list. lightning round!: stuff that makes me laugh, stuff that makes me think, theology, cacti, family and friends.
The Simpsons (Seasons 2-7), The Kids in the Hall, Upright Citizens Brigade, Mr. Show, The D, Strangers with Candy, Arrested Development, The Muppet Show...