You get what you want in the form you deserve. -Scott Michaels _________________________It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. - Oscar Wilde _________________________If you go to a movie star's house, you never know if they'll be there, but go visit them in the cemetery and it's almost certain they are home. -Roger Sinclair, Godfather of Graving. _________________________''Oh, Mary. I have not wrote you half of the trouble we've had, but I have wrote you enough to let you know what trouble is. But thank God, we are the only family that did not eat human flesh. We have left everything, but I don't care for that. We have got through with our lives. Don't let this letter dishearten anybody. Remember, never take no cutoffs and hurry along as fast as you can.'' VIRGINIA REED: One of the surviving children of the Donner Party._________________________“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew.†- Guillaume Apollinaire_________________________He thought he saw a Coach-and-Four That stood beside his bed: He looked again, and found it was A Bear without a Head. 'Poor thing,' he said, 'poor silly thing! It's waiting to be fed! -- Lewis Carroll_________________________Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish that man would go away-William Hughes Mearns_________________________Man, it was rough getting a ride out here. The only car that stopped was a hearse that thought I fell out. - Rodney Dangerfield_________________________Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn, Apple seed and apple thorn; Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock. One flew east, And one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo's nest._________________________My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light. _________________________"Every day you wake up and your elbows don't hit wood, you're in good shape." Quincy Jones_________________________"Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." Mark Twain _________________________We die three times. Once when we physically take leave of this body, once on the day of our funeral and the third time when the last person who remembers us dies. _________________________I'm interested in historical and celebrity necrologies(a list of persons who have died within a certain time. A notice of death; obituary).
The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner. 1837. by Sir Edwin Landseer.