"When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community."
-Thomas Jefferson
About Me:
It's pretty simple: don't EVER lie to me & don't tail-gate me, & we'll probably get along fine. You don't have to earn my respect, but it's nearly impossible to earn it back when forfeited.
I am a Taurus of Irish descent, raised in Long Island, NY, & forged on Parris Island; you'd be hard-pressed to find a more stubborn person. I believe that right and wrong can usually be clearly defined, despite the grey areas we must sometimes wade through, and I will dig my heels in to hold the line for what I believe to be right. Despite all that, I'm actually quite reasonable, and open to debate almost any subject... (but you'd better bring your A-game...)
I value intangibles such as wisdom, love, honor, and that ever-precious commodity of laughter far more than any monetary incentives; show me a wealthy man who's never laughed or loved, & you've shown me true destitution.
I love my God, my family, my country, my fellow Marines, & my friends. I decided long ago that all were worth giving my life for, and I have spent most of my time since then preparing myself mentally, physically, spiritually & emotionally for a day when I may need to do so. Until that day I will continue to enjoy every aspect of life, and I implore you to do the same.