KEITH SIMMONS profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Own a wetsuit company--- XTERRA WETSUITSWhen not at work........ love the outdoors.(Running, Cycling, Swimming, Triathlons, Skateboarding, movies, reading, surfing, drinking good coffee, throwing frisbie with my dog, and hanging w/ friends)

My Interests

Music, movies, coffee, beach, travel, hanging out w/friends, running, swimming, cycling, triathlon, surfing, skateboarding & just about anything in the water !!

I'd like to meet:

Stay in touch with friends & fellow triathletes. (Anyone that helps others)


Too much to list???


Zoolander, Napoleon Dynamite, Swingers, Old School, Office Space & just about anything that makes me laugh.


24 or Lost on DVD.


Triathlete Magazine


JESUSAnyone that overcomes obstacles.

My Blog

it's all about the Bubbles

Seriously..... it's all about the bubbles. My son Tyson is a couple of days away from officially reaching the tender age of 21 months. Nothing gives me more pleasure in life than to watch him laugh w...
Posted by KEITH SIMMONS on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 01:32:00 PST

Random thoughts on the eve of Valentine's Day............

Just finished an amazing 45 minute run along the coast of La Jolla with my trusty running partner Jake (my chocolate lab). I'm truly blessed to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. ...
Posted by KEITH SIMMONS on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST