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screamo fags

About Me

we just all fucked each other through the ass

My Interests


Member Since: 12/14/2005
Band Members: Joe Dumford, Jamie Caviness, James Heitzer, and TJ Nickerson
adopt your own virtual pet!
Sounds Like: classic hard rock with the virtuostic blazin leads produced by james heitzer the heavy power rythms by joe dumford the wide vocal range of a screeching eagle to the roar of a tortoise produced by jamie caviness and the power percussions and drum solos by TJ that sound like a man beating a hooker that stole his money.
Record Label: fuck you guys you will never get one
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Fuck You Assholes at South Forsyth

Whoever the fuck keeps saying we sound like a screamo band needs to shut the fuck up. that shit is really starting to piss me off and if you don't I'll find you and break your fucking legs with a two ...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:02:00 PST