my name is emily.
feel free to call me emmy :)
"Hit the lights and get down for the best time in a long time, & try to think of every last line.
She said, Try to have a good time, Don't put up with the hard hits, They'll just hit you harder every time
That you get moving. you'll just keep losing What little bit of mind that you have left. So try and please me, and take it easy
And try to keep your thoughts above the belt."
i have the characteristics of a guy, these are not to be confused with interests or orientation. i work hard & play harder! i like people with drive & substance. as napoleon dynamite said "Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills" i am no different. my standards are high, & if theres one thing my mother has taught me, aside from revenge is a sweet dish best served cold, is that i should never settle for second best. i swear everything i want seems to be in america.