Hello I am BRETT , I PLAY DRUMS......FAST.. I drum only to metal/death metal--i play piano, my music page for my paino is www.myspace.com/penatralia..........2nd one on my top 8 tbh...... yes i have an extrememly soft side too ; )....I study Jeet Kune Do daily.....love martial arts......i love to dance like mj........i love to bust out magic tricks............i love to entertain people.......i LOVE LOW CARB MONSTERS.....but i hate coffee.....im self-motivated on anything I do, I listen to only myself, I have NEVER given in to Peer Pressure--- Lets just say i take the red brick road, not the yellow-- I am a leader not a follower and i usually like to re-invent the wheel on anything i do---I like to start/form trends/ideas.....not follow them......I have been SOBER for 20 years from ANYTHING, and never given in...all my old freinds from school slowly left me and went to others... they thought i would follow......I DONT CHANGE --its sad..but you truly find out who your real freinds are ...you know who u are ; ) i dont "dislike" people who use drugs, my band members have used drugs, if its what they like, then thats fine-- i just dont want it to ruin there lives, or steer them away from there goals becasue i have seen it happen to many times man. Drugs can be dream killers- All this im saying is for THE MAJORITY-- There are some people that need substances to stay alive you know, or help them thru thick and thin...Note: if u do use drugs, just control it, dont let it control u and get ouuta hand...you will lose balance and fall..just like a skateboard...control the board- dont let it control you...cuz then u will ruin your life!!. But other than that...all u druggies out there....i have an idea---QUIT-- and see if that guy/girl still hangs out with you...my guess is NO ---true freind ? NO- ..i have never tried a drug/cigarette--and no im not "curious" of what it feels like.....im only curious to things that will benefit me in my life..not destroy me..becasue chances are you will probably like the drug or cigartte..then you'll be addicted and ouuta money..then your life wil fall apart and deterioate..then downhill from there and all your old freinds will be like.....WHAT HAPPENED?? And for all you TWEAKERS and COKE HEADS out there that are doing it just to lose weight....ya you're all skinny now..yea..but wait till u grow up and actually want to have a family...then u have to stop and go to a sober home...Your metabolism will be so fucked up by then, that when u stop, u will be DOUBLE the weight u were.. and ur brain will be fried--vegtable style--so think about that, before u use a drug thats made of fuckin hosehold products--what? it makes u hyper? get stuff done? more energetic? no appetite?- produce ur own energy u lazy ass!..no not coffee.....caffine...NO NO -- Self produced energy from being active, no artifical energy....becasue artificial energies spike you...then drop u even faster----so dont try to do it the easy way---do it the hard way its more efficient-- .i dont know why people would want to destroy there minds if your bored...do something differnt - hopefully people will start trying to understand and start dealing with true reality rather than always trying to escape it--becasue eventully, reality always comes back and sometimes it haunts, but dont cope with it by altering your mind, UNLESS you have a mental illness and its out of your hands and dealt with by professionals- --people think im very head strong and judge-mental--but...i just have a VERY BIG HEART AND STRONG CONSCIENCE and i dont like to see people ruin there lives over this shit---its not worth it--all thats gonna happen is - YOU WILL LOSE YOUR FAMILY/CLOSE FREINDS...and youll get kicked out and be either on the streets or on ur own...depressed and stuck....then what? so dont take that path at all ..ya you wont be the " cool " one in that moment or at that party but u will be alot more respected and people will admire you---if your a duggie and want to stop( which cmon...u have to dude!! it will get u nowhere! and it robs all ur money to just destroy u--its not IF ur gonna die its WHEN---) hang out with me---aite??smart minds will change the world-ruined minds will just be "another" person--intellect is your most important tool--knowledge is not only power but your future...so build it.....dont ruin it....im not diffucult im just smart..."Listen to yourself, not the person next to you decision wise--unless hes got some good advice--what im sayin is dont let someone pressure u into doing something if u dont want to do it---if you do..u dont have to much self control, and your a follower. you may think im being a Dick--all i am doing is trying to get people to understand what a dead end it all is...and how noone is really ur freind and how much your old personality vanished... Why do u think i didnt kick with anyone when i was in school? and y i was so quiet? i was observing this nonsense and it was happening to all my freinds.. Drugs=The Devil .Respect your body-.i just didnt want to associate with anyone there, except my REAL freinds----- I am MYSELF in any situation, and i do not like people with split personalties..one minute your chill with them, next minute they act like they dont know you and they even talk different..and have no respect for you all of the sudden- anyone who does that is truely lost inside and there not cool...they're so UNCOOL that they have to change to impress--WoW huh?? you guys need to find yourselvs..stop the act---fake ass--...Your born with your own special personality.....Dont hide it...bring it out.....be yourself and you'll get alot farther in life rather than fronting all the time, trying to be someone your not--i dont like to asociate with people like that---people dont ever know who you REALLY are ......BE yourself in EVERY situation--DONT ALWAYS JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, READ THE FIRST AND SECOND CHAPTERS TO DECIDE WEATHER OR NOT YOU SHOULD KEEP READING, IF ITS A GOOD BOOK....KEEP READING!!IF NOT CLOSE THE BOOK AND KEEP LOOKING FOR A NEW ONE--DONT SETTLE FOR A BAD BOOK-THERES PLENTY OF BOOKS TO CHOOSE FORM IN THE LIBRARY ; )--ALOT OF COVERS ARE MISLEADING AND YOUR FIRST ASSUMTION ISNT ALWAYS RIGHT-- I have 5 piercings in my left ear, 6 in my right ear and 1 on my chin...i made them symetrical..what u see on the left is pretty much like the right...each represents a band i have been in throughout my life...noone probably knows that..no i didnt get kicked out-- either musical diferences or they lost interest in muisc and stopped being in bands...i never have--------I have tattos on my right arm that are very imortant to me dealing with music....Its basically- which music/band has changed my life and helped me thru that time of my life....or helped me be a better musician...basically u can call it my timeline..... tchildres is on my arm one of my bands) tchildres has formed me into the drummer i am today, hard stuff, no joke-I also have DEATH tatoo on my arm...another band that also changed my way of thinking, lyrical wise....People use to think I was shy and non-outgoing BUT back in the day, i use to wait till people came up to me to associate, which is NOT the way ( i learned ) to do it- take action--- I have never dranken a soda, and have prety much a perfect diet. i love gum! chew 2 18 packs of green EXTRA gum a day stonger jaw ey ;) haha jk-- Ive drank just water and milk ever since i was born, never liked carbonation, and occasionaly orange juice for vitamen c ; )-- My right wrist WAS been broken sfrom Septemeber 4th 2003 to August 17th 2005, and i still played drums and worked out everyday, but the bone got worse and worse and eventually i got surgury and it feels awesome now!---i cut the cast off dec 2003 to play drums- i know, not a smart move, but the bone I fractured which is the SCAPHOID is a very hard bone to heal without getting surgury, its one of the hardest and longest bone to heal in the whole body, so i figured i will have to get surgury anywayz down the line, but at that time it was winter vacation and i wanted to jam and i have gotten alot of things accomplished with this broken wrist and it actually helped me form better technique drumming- no wrist- just fingers haha-- -- i can tell u any date on anything, i have an incredible memory, plus an incredible memory with numbers, i remember every phone number date, anyhting with numbers, time signatures, you name it, im pretty sure i have a photographic memory. I work out everyday, jog everyday, bike ride, hike, anything active--I run ALOT-everyday-far-fast-perfected my breathing-im doing 4 miles a day now-i love LOVE LOVE IT- i have never taken a supplent to gain muscle including: creatine, steriods etc. I feel that muscle should be built not bought--but then again, protein WILL help u gain weight if you have a naturally fast metabolism and want to get bigger- im not baggin on protein man, protein is awesome for you, ive just never bought the shakes--- i am very hyper! and non-lazy--i am probably the most productive guy you will ever meet--live with me and youll know what im talking about ; ) i keep every muscle rock tight... and isolation has helped me perfect my body and my thoughts. I dont watch tv UNLESS im workin out...movies r tight at night tho once u completed ur day--- I try to do TO MUCH in one day-- Im only anti-social to people who i have previously spoken to and want to stay away....most everyone in this valley is exactly the same and is bad news,....notice i said MOST -- ( are YOU the exception? ; ) i can be an outcast-- thats just because im thinking about something--- ---- I am very interesting and i will listen to everything you say, I am a 100% loyal person, and EXTREMELY NICE---And sometimes thats bad because people can take advantage of me- but im not stupid and i know when people use me due to past experiences----you live and learn i guess...DONT BE NAIVE-- I love learning new things everyday, I can entertain myself for hours if any of my freinds are ever busy. I am a perfectionist, i am a FAST TECHNICAL DRUMMER, i love speed.....i love music-- music is my life --am i addicted to music?? hell yea! my dad has been in many bands and does music formovies, its in the genes--so ur allowed to be addicted to something espically if its gonna be your career! Addiction is not always bad, just be addicted to useful stuff-I was born with a talent and that is music, and i wil persue it-- i am in 1 band GRIMEFIELD,.....--- I play bass as well--i use to only play bass until i realized im better at drums--- i use to be in Dishevel---I would play bass with drumsticks attached to my fingers.......i am VERY DETERMINED and WILL be succesful in music....i am the easiest guy to get along with .....i get along with ANYBODY and always love to have a good time- - i always have jokes with anything you say im very funny and non-serious--i hate drama and im only serious when needed- NO im not immature, i just figure you live once..make it long and happy...right?...i play drums keyboard and bass........... i HAVE A SIDE PROJECT ON MY OWN CALLED " Penetralia" - meaning - Seclusion-- its classical music with shreadding drums...most origianl thing out there and WILL get huge.. I dont understand why people smoke---your lungs are suppose to be pink ..not black..ur skin will start to wrinkle and ur teeth wil turn yellow...u dont have any stamina and run out of breath VERY FAST so u better be 100%technique pal! no really tho, all ur doing is paying ur earned money for un-needed chemials to enter ur body and for you to die faster......yea its what the government wants---but y do u give in??i dont understand--find something more healthy/useful to do with that 8 1/2 minutes a butt....aite?. i can never find my keys--I also like to form my own "Philosophies " for living a happy life ---- PERFECTION=Everyday Happines -- Soberness=Purity-- THE HUMAN BODY=your life-- SO TAKE CARE OF IT-- When u buy a car, u need to change the oil now and again to keep the car running right? Lets just say if you dont change YOUR oil, your car will just break down and die faster ok? So take the time to take care of it.. unless you just dont care for your car...but....maybe a tune up every day....its your life, your body........lets keep it like new ; ) your heart is a muscle as well, and the most important-it controls how long we live!!! thats prettydamn important! so work it out, and feed it right, give it what it needs, not what it tries to filter out-dont eat fast food--teribble for you and gives u upest stomachs/gas/mood swings- most of your attitude/mood comes from your diet--eat good , feel good, you are what u eat--dont overeat- satisfy your hunger, dont smuther it-uneeded calories make u tired, lazy, eat when u NEED it, not when you WANT it, you CAN'T put $30 in a honda for gas if its still has a half of a tank, you will over-fill it and its uneeded, waste of money, give it what it needs to run, not to overflow-- STAY STRONG GUYS, THRU THICK AND THIN, ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE ( unless its not the right moment) AND LIVE A LONG HEALTHY LIFE!! IM OUT - Brett Batdorf
Anyone that is interested in me-- Bruce Lee -- Max from Krisiun-- Chuck Shuldiner AIM--fretless5ep
KRISIUN-ENYA--Children of Bodom- Decrepit Birth-Deeds of Flesh- Death-MESUGGAH- Tchildres-Vile-Liquid Tension Experiment--Spastic InkOrchestras---and most of all, my creations--------- I hate how c"rap" is "suitable" for the masses....you know? You'll hear it at the following: grad night, gym, cars at red lights, EVERY GAY FUCKING PARTY, 95% of mtv and 65% of mtv2, alot of radio stations, back in high school at lunch time ( remember???? ) , most girls/guys cars--now.....do u guys bump it because..... you think you fit in???? or sadly, is that what you enjoy? becasue in most cases, there is NO musical melodies in the songs what so ever, everything is looped, ur 12 inch sub has 87.5% BASS so u cant hear the "song" anyway, and MOSTLY what they sing about is either ---CASH, BITCHES, CARS, HOES, ASS'S etc. and in my opinion, thats dis-respectful.........y the fuck do these rappers get paid so much???? there are soo many out there that wern't born with a lick of musical talent, but there "beats" are tight---- : / lol WoW - now dont get me wrong, there are several rappers out there that are very talented and there are songs that have melody....i myself enjoy Jedi Mind Tricks due to there melodies and song structures---and some underground shit-but the shit on 102.7 and shit-----??? but i just think that its unfair that in the U.S. rap is so popular and promoted, when in reality, most of it is just bullshit and misleading, informing that: violence/gangs/drugs is all "chill" and cool.......it will lock you up is what it will do, and turn u into a stoner-no wonder most of the society is fucked, listen to the music THE MAJORITY AND MOST OF LAUSD listen too!!!!!!! I think music should be equal......some metal....... some alternative.....SOME rap ( hmm ) just mix it up DAMNIT!!!!!
" The art of Expressing the Human Body " - Bruce Lee--- " Galaxies and beyond " - I am also WAY into the universe...life on other planets, how we all formed, the beggining of time.....and the galaxy and planets.
Bruce Lee , MAX