Im just your average guy. I am a student at Columbia College. Im about to graduate and join the real world. I stay busy with my travel agency and I also do some graphic work on the side. I do a couple web sites for my self and a friend. I live in the midwest but would love to live on the coast somewhere. Winter gets me down, I need sunny days. I have a pool and I plan to be in it or next to it all summer long. Can't wait! I like to go out and have a beer and crack jokes with friends. I like sea food. I lived in Tokyo for a year and really miss the food. Lobster is my friend. I love art and music. I do paint the occasional oil painting but not limited to oil. Im a computer geek. My friends know the back of my head very well. Love to go see a good show, anything from Bluegrass to House music. Enough about me.Stop Sylvia Browne.Skeptics Guide. My Favorite Podcastbeware of propaganda film ExpelledJames Randi. check it out Astropixie Atheism Aurora Walking Vacation Bad Astronomy Bad Science Behavioral Ecology Bug_Girl’s Blog Cocktail Party Physics Cogita Tute Endcycle Expatria Expelled Exposed Friendly Atheist Geocentric View Grrl Scientist Guruphiliac Improbable Research Improbable Science Inkling Julia Sweeney Blog Little Bald Bastard Masala-Skeptic Metamagician Mike’s Weekly Skeptic Rant Neurologica Oceanus Procellarum Pharyngula Relatively Science Respectful Insolence Richard Dawkins Rinderpest Rodney Anonymous Sceptical Preacher SGU Blog SkepBitch Skepchick Magazine Skeptic Wiki Skeptico Skeptigator Slicing with Occam’s Razor Spazeboy State of Protest Stop Sylvia Browne! sudo life The Intersection The Panda’s Thumb The Stupidity Tracker The Thermal Vent The Truth Behind Tobasco da Gama UDreamOfJanie (NSFW!) UK Skeptic Why Does God Hate Amputees Zen of G
The Skeptics Guide top 20 Logical Fallacies (in alphabetical order)
1. Ad hominem An ad hominem argument is any that attempts to counter anothers claims or conclusions by attacking the person, rather than addressing the argument itself. True believers will often commit this fallacy by countering the arguments of skeptics by stating that skeptics are closed minded. Skeptics, on the other hand, may fall into the trap of dismissing the claims of UFO believers, for example, by stating that people who believe in UFO's are crazy or stupid.