I'd like to meet:
People that have eclectic interests. I guess this can cover just about anyone. People without additives and preservatives.
Live music of any kind. There is just way more life to it than a stale old CD. Live improv electronic noise music in my sound lab is fun too.Check my friends list for more info.
I enjoy seeing them with friends.
I like putting magnets near the screen to see the colors change.
Textbooks and manuals. When I was younger I would read fiction but I just can't anymore for some reason. Come to think of it... I read books on fixing things when I was a kid along with Getting Started In Electronics by Forrest M. Mimms III. I like 'how to' books. I end up using my imagination more with a good textbook than I ever would with fiction. I gain new perspectives on old concepts and also new creative possibilities are opened up to me when I'm reading these dry texts. Now and then I can be found looking through the books at the thrift store. I have an eye for spotting rare and unusual books that are worth a lot more than I pay for them.
As listed just above the second floor of the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. My seventh grade science teacher.