arpeggios, baths, champagne wishes, caviar dreams, foreign languages, epistolary communication, being emotionally unavailable, having heart, imagining the secret lives of people I don't know, scandinavia, futura, logic, subtleties, subtitles, beverages, mitsuya cider, undoing knots, relax time, salads, gandalf, moomins, glass, candy tins, fairytales, time travel, sad songs, secret doors and disco floors, crossword puzzles, tetris, maps, falling over, escapism, secrets, truth.
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Also have been fiddling around with Pandora.
le petit prince, finn family moomintroll, microserfs, high fidelity, catch 22, harry potter, alice/through the looking glass, murakami, hemingway, wilde, christopher pike
Tony Tony Chopper, James Figurine, Charlie Kaufman, Will Shortz, Lille Nissen, Stirrin McTee, Stephin Merritt, Friend the Girl