Basic Lerking.
Movie Lerking.
Skate Lerking.
Bed Lerking.
IM Lerking.
Travel Lerking.
Nerd Lerking.
Umm, thats about it.
Anyone who can withstand questions all day long.
Random requests, and random thoughts.
Its really the best.
Maybe have a tickle or two
Got tons
Recommend me some.
Shit, I could go on for hours.
Any Cameron Crowe flick
Most Spike Jonze and Kaufman movies
And the basics:
Back to the Future, Indiana Jones (of course), Matrix, StarWars ALL OF THEM (true fan, even when they suck) 80's movies are soo good, Say Anything (Crowe Flick), Batchlor Party with Tom Hanks, dude, so many.
Any and All boxsets found at
New TV?, Don't watch any... maybe Chapelle show!
Enders Game, first half of "How to win at Internet Poker".
And the CD book of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
Mom, Dad, Sister and her Husband, shit even thier son, and now thier daughter!.